Monochrome Poker Epilogue

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"When Vector and Espio had gone into the other door they found the remaining overlanders that hadn't been..." Sally struggled to find the words, the last 2 hours were a whirlwind of rescue recovery and frantic searching. "Changed." She finally stated, the council members, the representative from G.U.N and Baron were looking at her and Knuckles as they informed them of the discoveries inside the chameleons secret base. "They also found the discarded mechanical limb enhancements of the mobians that were, 'treated'. But when Shadow did the chaos blast they fell through the floor to the recovery wing of the labs below. From there they escorted the freed mobians, and the Sandblast Freedom Fighters."

"And what exactly happened to Jack and his men?" Charles asked, raising his hand forward for her to pause. 

"From what the medical scans have shown they were all affected by chaos energy that the doctor had injected them with. They have since returned to normal, the effects wearing off somehow." 

"And what happened to the green emerald that was mentioned?" Rosemary asked, her face a sour expression as she looked over one witness reports from the freed mobians. 

"It was gone by the time the rescue teams had gotten that deep into the facility." Knuckles said, looking deflated as much as he felt it. "And the... the overlanders that were... experimented on were dead." He shuddered in revulsion at the memory of the flesh creatures the doctor had left in his wake.

"Where did this madman come from?! Is he an ally of Robotnik?" Hamlin nearly tore the papers apart, his hands shaking. "Is that why this rabbit traitor is in here unrestrained?!" He glared daggers at the Baron. 

"Now you best watch what comes out of that mouth you pig or I might just go over there and make you eat those words while makin ya squeel fer yer mommy." Beauregards eyes narrowed as he clenched the walking staff he carried around with him.

"No Hamlin, He actually got word from his... uhh..." Sonic started, but he also looked tired and out of sorts, the words not coming to him like they would if he was well rested. "... Sal?"

"He means one of the other Grandmasters of a Dark Egg Legion chapter went to investigate Robotropilis while we were exploring the depths of the chameleons base."

"Right. And, well." Sonic grew pale, and he swallowed hard. "The entire city was shut down, none of the robots were in working conditions. The... last part, they found Snivly and Robotnik dead. They were shredded to pieces. The computers hardwear was wiped clean and there was no trace of what had killed them." 

   The whole room was quiet, a pin could've been heard if one had been dropped. Everyone was slowly coming to the realization. The war was over. The war, was finally over. The Dark Egg Legions had no more reason to fight with Robotnik and Snivly dead. It had been so long since the planet had been in a peaceful state, most of them were shocked, unable to comprehend a world not on the verge of not crumbling to ruin. But it had come so sudden, and violently, they didn't even know who had done it. 

"When did it," Dylan had started to ask, but was to meek to continue his sentence.

"They think about 2 weeks ago. Everythin was long dry dead and... well, I wont show ya'll the images that were taken. I just about lost mah stomach at the sight of em." Beauregard tilted his head in a bit of shame. "But since this happened, The other Grandmasters wana meet with you and discuss the terms of... well the end of the war." 

"Thank you Beauregard. I will make sure everyone on our side knows so we don't have any more fighting." Elias stood, nodding his head to him. "Feel free to rest in the city as long as you and your chapter members."  

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