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I opened my eyes slowly, they felt heavy and sore and full of goo. I turned over onto my back, mumbling inaudibly. Slow, steady breathing to my left made me jolt upright, waking my room mate.

Gerard looked up at me with a dazed expression (having just woken up). "Something wrong?" He said sleepily, stifling a yawn.

I shook my head, "no, just made me jump."

The night before came rushing back to me and I sighed, laying back down on my side.

"Are you okay now?" He asked, rubbing my arm.

"Yeah," I said, "no time to grieve in these times."

No sooner had I said that than a loud hammering came from the plain wooden door, Mikey's muffled voice travelling through. "Lily? Gerard? Open up!"

Gerard rolled his eyes at me and then got up, slowly walking to the door and opening it.

Mikey was stood closest, with Frank and Ray peering around either side of him. Their faces instantly split into huge smiles.

"Woo! Gerard got laid!" Frank called, rushing in and diving on the bed.

"No Gerard didn't," Gee said simply.

"Does this mean I have to be careful what I say to her now?" Mikey asked, joining Frank in sprawling himself across the bottom of my bed. I simply laughed at their comments, rolling my eyes.

It was Rays turn to have his say, "jeez, Poison, I thought you would have taken things a bit slower..."

Gerard slammed the door angrily and shouted, "I HAVE NOT, AND AM NOT, HAVING SEX WITH LILY!"

"Okay, we believe you," Mikey said seriously, although he kept winking at me.

Half an hour later, everyone was changed and ready to explore Montana. We all met at the top of the stairs opposite our rooms and descending them, everyone still laughing at Gerard. I stayed close to him, laughing at everyone else. He stayed grumpy with his arms crossed.

It seemed that Montana had let us all relax, until we reached the bottom of the stairs. We heard a door open and a group of people enter, all silent. I was about to walk through the doorway and into the reception but Gerard grabbed the back of my sweater and pulled me back, pressing me into the wall. Everyone stopped dead and listened intently.

"Hi, how can I help you?" We heard the cheery receptionist ask. A pair of boots made the floorboards creak as one of the new guests stepped forward. "We would like your assistance," a woman's clear voice rang out. There was a pause and then she continued, "we are looking for six people and we believe their car is outside."

We mentally kicked ourselves. Why hadn't we covered the car up?! Gerard slammed his fist into his forehead and I grabbed his wrist before he did some damage.

"It's not your fault," I mouthed when he glared at me.

There was a rustling of fabric outside and then the BLI woman spoke again. "These are photographs of the six people, do you recognise any of them?" We had no chance, of course the receptionist recognised them, we were speaking to her only just last night.

"I've seen the four men and the red haired girl, but not the kid," she said honestly.

"Are they here now?" Miss BLI asked eagerly. I looked at Gerard and gave a defeated half-smile, he looked at his feet guiltily.

"They just left." His head snapped up. "About half an hour before you arrived."

"But their car is still outside..."

"They sold it. The new owner's coming to pick it up some time today."

The receptionist was a terrible liar, but at least she was trying. Despite the lying skills, the BLI woman was buying it. She sighed angrily and said desperately, "do you know where they went?" There was a pause as the receptionist shook her head. "Very well," the BLI woman said impatiently, "thankyou for your help."

The floor creaked again as the group piled out of the motel. We stood in silence, unable to believe our luck, whilst we waited for BLI to be well on their wild goose chase. After five minutes or so, we stepped into the reception, huge grins on all of our faces.

We walked straight past the receptionist as if we had not just heard her save our lives and were about to leave when she spoke. "So, killjoys, are ya?"

We turned slowly to look at her.

"The very best," Gerard said happily.

"Whether you're the best or the worst, if you bring BLI back here again, you'll be going away with them. Montana does not welcome BLI or their prey, understand?" Her cheery manner had gone.

"Yes ma'am," Gerard said as he turned and strode out into the daylight.

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