Chapter 1

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Percy POV

Finally I'm back at camp. I was on a quest for Athena for permission to marry her daughter Annabeth. When I got back to camp I went to my cabin. I got a ring for Annabeth it was simple it was a band of silver with a sea green jewel in the middle. I went to the Athena cabin to look for Annabeth. When the door opened it was Malcolm. I asked him where Annabeth was when I heard a scream. I ran too the hill to find a kid with a hellhound chasing him. I pulled out riptide and charged the hellhound I slashed at it and it disintegrated into dust. the kid looked around 13-14 I asked him what his name was he said "my name is Lucas Grayson and thanks". "Come on" I said "Chiron will want to see you". Lucas followed me to the big house and I knocked."Come in" I heard Chiron say. I opened the door and walked inside. "Hi Chiron" I said. "Hello Percy good too see you". "Who's that Chiron asked?" "This is Lucas Grayson" I said. "He was being chased by a hellhound running up the hill" I explained. "Oh, nice to meet you Lucas I'm Chiron". "Hey Chiron" I said "yes my boy" Chiron asked. "Do you want me to show Lucas around" I asked? "Yes please" Chiron said. "alright come on Lucas" I said.

Time skip

"This place is awesome!"Lucas exclaimed. "Do you know how my godly parent is?" He asked. "No, but maybe they will claim you tonight" I the distance I heard the coach horn sound, "come on Lucas it's time for dinner." I said. at dinner that evening I seen Annabeth. "Hi Annabeth" I said. "Hi Percy" she said. "who's your friend?" She asked. "his name is Lucas." We'll see you" I said. "Lucas see this table here" I said pointing to the Hermes table. "Yes" He said. "This will be your table until we find your godly parent k." I said. The sound of Chiron's hooves echoed through the dinning pavilion. "We have a new Demi god here today so can welcome Lucas Grayson!" Lucas waved from the Hermes cabin. "who's his godly parent?" a camper asked. "that is unknown as of right now." Chiron said. then a symbol appeared over his head. Campers gasp. Chiron says "all hail Lucas Grayson son of Chronos." but isn't Kronos a bad guy?" A camper asked. "Yes" Chiron said. "but this is the one that starts with C." Campers start to bow but one stays "I don't believe you how can he be a son of a primordial" I bet I could beat any primordial with my eyes closed." he boasted. of course it was Nathan West son of ares. He kept trying to make my life a living hell and with that dinner ended and I went to bed.

Hope you liked the first chapter. This is my first book so please comment.

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