Chapter 3

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Percy POV

When we got to Reyna's office I told them about my betrayal. The only ones there where Reyna,Frank and Hazel. Hazel started to cry and Frank and Reyna looked pissed off. Lucas just sat in the corner. "Why would Annabeth do that?" Hazel asked. Everyone nodded. "I don't know" I said. "Hey Reyna can me and Lucas stay in fifth cohort?" I asked. "Yes of course Percy" Reyna said. Alright Lucas lets go get our stuff unpacked" I said. When we got to the fight cohort I was greeted by Dakota. We walked over to some open bunks and put our stuff down. "Lucas want to check out New Rome?" I asked "sure" he said. When we got to the entrance to New Rome I seen Terminus, I smiled. "Hey Terminus" I said. "Hello Percy" he said and we gave him our weapons. We walked to the bakery we got some food and started to wander around. When it was about 4:45 we went to dinner. After dinner Reyna said we would be having war games tomorrow. I smiled this would be fun.

Lucas POV

I seen Percy smile when Reyna told him war games were tomorrow. I looked at him and asked "what are war games" "well there is one team thy has to defend the flag and one that has to attack" he explained. "Oh ok do you know what team we will be on?" I asked. "No Reyna will tell us tomorrow at war games" he said. "Ok" I said. We went to the fifth cohort barracks and we got changed into training clothes and went to change. We both got our weapons out. I got orcrist he got riptide I then pulled my necklace and it turned into armour an it was a dark gold same as my sword Percy did the same except his was sea green. We got into fighting stance and Percy charged and I blocked and swung at him and he blocked then a crowd started to form and I swung faster and used my powers to make him go slower. Percy started to go on defence. He then found an opportunity and took it disarming me and I pulled out my knife and hacked at him he blocked and kicked me in the chest and tripped me and then put his sword under my neck. "I yield" I said. "Wow that was a good workout" Percy said. "26 minutes, that's a record" I said. Percy smiled "it was fun" He stated. We got our armour off and I retrieved my weapons. Then we went to bed.

Line Break

Still Lucas POV

Once we got up and ready I started to walk around waiting for Percy. When he got to me o asked him "when are we going to leave?" "Tomorrow afternoon" Percy said. "So what do you want to do?" Percy said. "Well I was thinking I should ask Reyna about this sword and see what's it made of" I said. "Ok let's go" Percy said. When we got to Reyna's office I knocked on the door. Reyna came to the door and opened it and motioned us to come in. "So what brings you here?" she asked. "Well I was wondering if you know what kind of metal this is?" I asked her. "Well this is not imperial gold its to dark and I have no idea what Percy's armour is" Reyna said. "Maybe we should ask Hazel" Percy said. "that would be a good idea" Reyna said. Alright Lucas let's go" Percy said. When we found Hazel I asked her what kind of metals my armour and sword were and Percy armour. "Well this is an extremely rare metal called Time Stone" she said pointing at my armour. What about Percy's?" I asked. "Well Percy's is Atlantean silver" Hazel said. "Okay thanks Hazel" Percy said. "No problem Percy" Hazel said.

Line Break to war games.

Percy POV

"Alright fourth and fifth cohort will be attacking and the rest will defend" Reyna explained. "So Lucas do you get all the rules?" I said. "Ya I'm pretty sure I got them all" he said. Fifth cohort charge!" Hazel yelled. The plan was simple the fifth went first and the fourth came in behind me and Lucas started to run and Lucas started to slow time on everyone except our team then pulled out his bow and drew an arrow and fired it at the wall and a grappling line came out and we started to climb Lucas got there fist then me and then he released time and started to fight then he jumped off the wall and landed on the ground below and started to attack the people guarding the flag. On the other side of the wall Hazel had made her way through the crowd of Romans and came up beside Lucas.Then an idea popped up in my head I blew up the water cannons and started to shoot the people on the wall with water then I jumped off the wall and joined Hazel and Lucas. "Nice of you to join us" Lucas said. "Hey Hazel where's Frank?" Lucas said. "Oh he's not allowed to play same as Reyna because they are praetors" Hazel explained. "Oh, I'm going for the flag" Lucas said. Lucas ran off to the flag and me and Hazel followed. Lucas was fighting the centurions from 1st and 2nd cohort while the other was nowhere to be seen so Hazel engaged the 2nd centurion while I helped Lucas I nodded and he ran and I took over the centurion swung at my legs but I jumped and hit him on the head. He fell and Hazel had took the 2nd centurion and Lucas grabbed the flag and we ran and made it out. There was cheering and chanting of Lucas's name and I smiled Reyna came over and gave him the Mural Crown. "I walked over to Lucas and patted him on the back good job Lucas!" I said. "Thanks" Lucas said happily. We walked to the fifth cohort barracks and got ready for bed and went to sleep.

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