Chapter 5

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Percy POV

When I woke up I got dressed and walked into the living room and say in the couch. Then Alpha walked in and sat down. "What are you doing?" Lucas asked. "Don't know probably going to teach the campers sword fighting" I say. Then Angel, Huntress, Sacrifice and Revenge walked out. Angel came over and sat beside Alpha. "We should do a prank on the campers one time" Sacrifice said. "Ya we should" I say. Then everyone else walked out. After everyone ate we walked outside after grabbing our cloaks and mask. We all turned out armour into our necklaces and walked out the door. There weren't many campers outside but I looked at the beach and seen the seven minus Annabeth. I walked over to them and my army went to the training arena. "Hello" I say. "Hi" they all say. I sit down next to them and notice that two other people are here. I looked over and seen Leo and calypso. "So I see Leo made it back alive and brought a friend with him" I say. "How do you know my name?" Leo asked. "I know everyone here I used to go to this camp" I say. "Really" Frank said. "Yes" I say. "Do you know where Percy Jackson is?" Hazel asked. "Yes" I say. "Can we see him?" Jason asked. "Yes go grab everyone that never betrayed him. They all ran and about 15 minutes later they came back with Nico and Thalia. "Alright come with me" I say. We all walk into a part of the forest and I create a shield around us so no one can see us. I looked around and I seen Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Leo, calypso, Thalia, Nico, Artemis, Apollo, Hestia and Chiron. then Jason asks "so do you have any news on Percy?" "Yes" I say. "Can we see him?" Thalia asks. "Fine, I am Percy Jackson" I say as I pull down my hood. Then I get crushed in a group hug. "Percy!" They all yell. ""Did you get better at archery?" Apollo asks. "Yes and your blessing helped a lot" Percy said. "Wait you got blessed by Apollo?" Jason asked. "Yes I did along with Zeus, Hades and I became Hestia's champion" I say. "cool" Leo says. Then we all head back to camp and the three gods flashed away. I went to the arena and seen my team there duel in in pairs. I walk over to them. "Did you guys do your drills?" I asked. "Yes" they all said. "Alright come on then" I say. I walk over to the cabins and most of the campers had woken up. "Dang it I was hoping that we could prank the campers!" I say. "We could do it tonight" Alpha says. "Yea we can" I say. We all walked to the amphitheater and it was almost time for breakfast. When the conch horn sounded I ordered some pancakes, bacon, eggs and orange juice. We started to eat and the campers were looking at us weirdly. "Why don't you sacrifice food to the gods?" Malcolm asked. "Well when we do it this happens" I say. I picked up a waffle from Sacrifices plate and threw it into the fire. Then it came back and hit sacrifice. The chaos army started laughing. "Hey I was going to eat that!" Sacrifice said. That just brought out a new round I laughter. Then we finished our breakfast and walked off. Then the conch horn sounded three times. We got our armour on and grabbed our weapons and ran to the hill there was an army of about one thousand monsters and two titans. One was Hyperion and the other was Oceanus. My army rand forwards with me and Lucas at the front. I nodded at Lucas and I ran at the Titans. Hyperion pulled out his spear and Oceanus pulled out his sword. "Hyperion I see you got out of that maple tree" I say. "Who are you!" He yelled. " I'm hurt you forgot about me, what a shame" I say. Then I pull up my hood and he snarls. "You!" He yells at me. "yes me" I said. He and Oceanus ran at me and then Hyperion tried to impale me but I jump and block Oceanus's sword with my wings. I start to attack them an I split Hyperion's spear in half and hit Oceanus with my wing. He flew back about 5 feet and I swung my sword at Hyperion as he was going to punch me. My sword connected with his neck and his head flew off and he turned to dust. Then I turned to Oceanus and started to duel him. I swung at him and he blocked it then I kicked him in the chest and he flew into a tree. I pulled out my bow and shot a couple arrows into his head. He disintegrated into dust. I looked around at the monsters and they were all dead. I seen Lucas standing by a tree. "Nice show you put on there" Lucas said. "How long?" I say to him. "5 minutes" Lucas said. "Wow I am getting sloppy" I say. "Ya you are" Lucas said. "Where's everyone else" I say. "There at the cabin, they left about 2 minutes ago" Lucas says. Then we start walking up the hill and we see the campers standing there in full battle armour. "Sorry shows over got to be faster then that" Lucas says. Then all the campers started to grumble and I seen the hunters in the trees. Lucas must of noticed them too. We both smirk and got our bows out and shot arrows at the trees. They all fell out of the trees but we left the younger ones there. All the hunters started running at us and Phoebe yelled "how did you find us!" "Well it wasn't hard we just looked" Lucas said. Then we started to run back to the cabin. We ran in and locked the doors. All of the army was staring at us weirdly. "We shot arrows at the hunters trees thy were in but left the young ones there" I said. Then we locked the door. I went and sat down by sacrifice and huntress and Lucas say by Angel. "Well one things for sure never piss off the hunters" huntress said. Yes Zoe was speaking normal English. You kinda get used to it when you've been around the same people that speak normal English. "Alright I'm going to bed" I say. I walk into my room and jump on my bed and fell asleep.

Hopefully you like this chapter. Sorry it took so long but I was busy this week. I'm thinking of doing a quiz thing with questions from different books from the PJ and HOO series. First one to answer the question right gets a dedication in the next chapter. But if you have got a dedication in the chapter before you won't get a dedication the next chapter.

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