Chapter 2

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Percy POV

When I woke up I went to the beach and remembered last night. I never had a dream which was fine by me it was just weird. Then I started thinking about how I was going to propose to Annabeth. Then I got up and went to her cabin to see her. I met her talking to Malcolm about architecture. I said "hi Wise Girl." I walk up to her and she gives me a hug. Then I hear the conch horn. "See you Percy, I have to go" she says. "Bye" I say. I walk to the Poseidon table and get blue pancakes and juice. Then I see Lucas at the Hermes table and wave. He waves back. After breakfast I go to the sword arena and start practicing. I hear clapping and turn and see Lucas. I say "want to practice?" He says "sure" and pulls out a 1 foot dagger. I ask "where did you get that?" He says " I found it in my bag cause when I was running away from my family a kid about maybe your age came to me and gave me that backpack." "what did he look like?" I ask. "Well, he smelt like death." he said. "I wonder who that could be" Lucas asked. "I think I have an idea." I say.

"Alright let's get training." I say. He says "alright but I'm not that good with a dagger." "We will find you a different weapon later." I get into a fighting stance and he lunges. He swung at me but I blocked it and swung at him and he blocked it perfectly. He looked surprised and I took the opportunity to strike and disarm him and put my sword at his throat. "Never loose focus when you are fighting an opponent." I tell him. But he just shook his head. "It's not that it's just I seen your blow coming before you even swung." He says. "Maybe it's part of your powers." I say. he shrugs "can I get a different weapon now?" he ask. "Sure" I say. We go too the weapons and he looks around and grabs a bow and look at it. I grab it and rub my finger on a jewel and it turns in to a ring. I give it too him and he says "Cool!" I chuckle. I tell him to go practice.

He runs off and I decide to go and propose to Annabeth. I go to her cabin and Malcolm opens the door and I ask where Annabeth is. He says "She is at the beach." I walk to the beach and see Nathan kissing a blonde girl and then it hits me. It was Annabeth. "Annabeth how could you!" I scream. Annabeth turns around and looks shocked and says "Percy I can explain!" But I run back to my cabin and lie down on my bed and cry I take the ring out of my pocket and put it on the dresser and write a note.

Dear everyone that haven't betrayed me

I want you to know the reason I left I went to the beach and seen Annabeth kissing Nathan I was going to propose to her and she dumped me. Thanks for your support guys.

Love Percy

I heard banging on the door and Annabeth crying and saying to let her in i say "Go away Annabeth I don't love you." and with that she just runs off crying. The I hear a click and Lucas walks in. I say "What are you doing." he says "coming to check on you." "why" I ask. He laughs "dude I know what happened and if you think your running away then you can't." he says. I say "and whys that" "because you have to take me with you." I say "no, it's to dangerous."oh well cause I'm coming." "fine" I say. And with that we ran.

Line Break

1 week later

Lucas POV

I feel really bad for Percy. He's looks sadder than usual. When we started running away Percy vapour traveled us to Medea's shop and bought some potions to cover our scent. We good so far with only 2 monster attacks right now we were somewhere in California Percy suggested we go to Camp Jupiter. "Percy are we almost there?" I asked. "Yes the tunnel is right there." he says. Then I hear a voice in my head. "Imagine a locker and open it."It said. So I imagine a locker and pull out something wrapped up. I open I and Percy asks "What is that." when I open it it's a gold sword. I give it to Percy and Percy says "Orcrist" I say "what?" "That's the name of the blade" he says. "Ohh" I say. I take the blade and and put it in a scabbard. Then I think of a locker and pull out 2 necklaces and 2 cloaks (one with gold lining one with sea green). "Where did those come from?" Percy asked. "Well there was a voice in my head and it told me to imagine a locker so I did that." I say. "Alright let's go" says Percy. When we got to the tunnel there where two guards and one said "who are you?" Then I remembered that we had our cloaks on so we pulled them off and they disappeared. Hmm I thought I guess that when you take them off the disappear. "Percy?" The one that is a girl asks. "I'm backkkkk. Percy says dramatically. The one that is a boy says "who's this?" "Oh this is Lucas Grayson." Percy says "who's his godly parent?" The girl asks "well it's not an Olympian or minor God Hazel." Percy says. "Then who is it?" Hazel asked
"Chronos." I said. "Oh and it's the primordial." Percy said. "Well then it seems that we have a lot to catch up on." the boy says. "By the way my name is Frank Zhang." nice to meet you Frank."So Percy what brings you to Camp Jupiter?" Hazel asked. "I explain later but let's go inside." Percy said.

I forgot to do the disclaimer. I don't own Percy Jackson characters Rick Riordan does I only own Lucas and Nathan.
Hope you liked this chapter.

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