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The one with the heart of gold...

The one with the heart of gold

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Willa Holland is Lilith Gold

Tom Blyth is Coriolanus Snow

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Tom Blyth is Coriolanus Snow

...and the one who lands on top.

Benedict Cumberbatch is sad to be dethroned

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Benedict Cumberbatch is sad to be dethroned

Benedict Cumberbatch is sad to be dethroned

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Brie Larson is Athena Click

Karen Gillan is Olympia Heavensbee

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Karen Gillan is Olympia Heavensbee

Karen Gillan is Olympia Heavensbee

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Rachel McAdams is Tigris Snow

Rachel McAdams is Tigris Snow

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Mads Mikkelsen is Midas Gold

Morena Baccarin is Criseida Gold

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Morena Baccarin is Criseida Gold

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Author's Notes

— 11/20/23 —

It seems like my dear Benedict has caused some outrage, but I still love him. Just to share, I cast this long before the movie was released, and since my book takes place a decade after the events of TBOSAS, I decided on a more mature cast list.

Now that I've watched the movie, I do want to cast a separate list for those who have, like me, no doubt fallen irrevocably and head over heels for one Tom Blyth. I do not yet, however, have anyone in mind. I would like people of the correct age, though, i.e. someone roughly eight years or so younger than Tom Blyth for the role of Lilith, and girls of similar ages for her besties, preferably sharing all physical characteristics (hair, eye, skin colour, body shape, etc) with their characters IRL. If you have suggestions, drop them in the comments.

Of course, no one's stopping you from simply imagining Willa and Tom as Lilith and Coriolanus for now. It's not going to change how the story plays out. If anything, it'll just make things worse.

After all, it's the things we love most that destroy us.

Your humble author, Sabrina

— 11/29/23 —

I give up on you guys, LOL. Since I've found a usable gif of Tom as Coriolanus...

You've been warned. It's the things we love most that destroy us...

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