Chapter 1

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Ahhh I posted it. I really wasn't going to until I pre-wrote the whole thing but I got excited. I will write every day and update as constantly as possible, but I am prefacing that I will be starting school again soon and I could fall off like I did with the last book. The good news is that I've pre-written several chapters already so I'll slowly update them while continuing to write. I hope you all enjoy!!!

Sohee POV

"Alright students, today we have a special piece that we will be looking at. It was sent to us anonymously by an artist who wanted our class to do a collective write up analysis of their artwork. They said they would love to hear what we all came up with," Professor Nam walked in the room, peppy as ever while a few of his teacher's assistants wheeled in a covered up canvas.

Art Analysis 101, also known as my favorite class in the whole world. Art has been a passion of mine since I was a child. From as early as I could figure out how to use my hands, I always was creating what I considered to be masterpieces. My parents didn't quite agree with that description however. I loved art, and I loved to do it...but I was admittedly atrocious at it. I was what teachers in school fondly called—artistically challenged.

I could admit that my skills were less than adequate. And no matter how many classes I took, my artistic talents never quite came up to standard. But I really wanted to pursue art in some way shape or form. I loved all aspects of art. It's history, meaning, architecture, all of it. My parents who didn't wish to see me get stuck with a major I would never make it into compromised with me and asked me to be an art history major. That way the classes I could go to would be so vastly different. I could analyze pieces, take a beginner class, learn the history behind pieces, it was a very open major.

"Psst~ Sohee," a voice snapped me from my daze.

"Huh? Oh hi Haru!"

"Years of friendship and she still would rather daydream about art than me," she sighed.

"Sorry, but that's your fault for coming late," I shrugged.

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah lecture me all you want. There's no way I'm not getting to class late."

"I figured. Anyway...are you coming to the party Jun is throwing?" I hummed.

"Duh. I've already got my fit picked out. The girls are going to be all over me," she winked.

"They would be a fool not to be," I grinned.

"And what about you? You've got your sights set on someone?" She wiggled here eyebrows.

I stuck my tongue out at her, "You know I don't. All I know is that I am young, hot, and ready to go where the tide takes me."

"So free-spirited," she chimed.

"Ahem! Ladies in the back, since your conversation seems so much more riveting than the art piece, perhaps you'd like to go first in our group analysis?" Professor Nam raised an eyebrow.

My focus snapped back to the front of the room where the mysterious paining had been revealed. My jaw dropped. It was an extremely lifelike portrait of a man. It was so canny to an actual person, one could've mistaken it for a photo. It was so realistic. Almost like it was alive. The shading and the blur were excellent touches that just made the whole canvas pop.

"Uh...sorry, does the piece have a title?" I asked.

"The artist called this piece, Kim Taehyung."

"Well, from an initial analysis stance, the portrait is an incredibly realistic display. Whoever this artist is must have an immense amount of experience to paint something so lifelike. Every angle is cut to precision. The clothing colors are popping out with the shading as if they're actually layered on him. His hair has got so much depth that it looks fluffy even from here. The blur in the background makes him pop out and the shading and dimensions make it seem like he's practically jumping out of the canvas," I said.

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