Chapter 14

195 24 14

1 Month Later

Sohee POV

" Taehyung still out?" Professor Nam sighed.

The unclaimed trophy for first place in the art competition and the subsequent cheque lay untouched on his desk.

I shifted uncomfortably, "The death was very sudden and unexpected sir. He's still processing his grief."

"That's a shame what happened to him. Not being able to claim his prize is even more damaging I'd assume. If there's anything we can do to support him on campus, please let us know," he offered.

My smile didn't quite reach the eyes, "Of course sir. I will let him know."

I pulled the sleeves of his hoodie over my hands, making sweater paws as I beelined out of the lecture hall. I was so determined to get out of the suffocating environment that I completely stumbled back when I crashed into Haru and Jun.

"Woah! Sorry," I mumbled out, trying to push past them.

But Haru caught my arm and with surprising force pushed me back.

"Sohee what the hell?" She huffed, her tone momentarily grabbing my attention.

"Haru, easy," Jun sighed.

"No this is ridiculous. Taehyung just disappears one day and then Sohee turns into some depressed zombie. That's not the Sohee I know and I want to know why," she hissed.

I flinched, "I mean Taehyung is gone. Why wouldn't I feel bad about it?"

"Because you're a ball of positivity. If someone in his family died, you'd empathize with him, but you'd exude rays of positivity when you did it. You wouldn't be moping like this. You're always sneaking off somewhere. Ditching us for something else. What's going on with you?" She asked worriedly.

"Haru—" Jun sighed.

She took my hands in hers, "What's going on, So? Talk to me, please."

"I'm fine. Promise," I held a straight expression, forcing a smile.

"You're a stupidly bad liar. But if you won't tell me, then you at least have to come to Jun's party tonight. You really need to let loose," she compromised.

My gaze flittered blankly between the two of them, "Party—yeah I'll be there."

They're excited rambles barely registered in my head as I pushed past them. I felt nauseous every passing second.

He had been gone a whole month. There was no inkling that he was ever planning of coming back or even trying to get a message across.

I had half a brain to go raid Hyungseo's house and steal that painting myself, but I was holding onto his promise so tightly. This was exactly why I hated commitment. It was suffocating to wait for something that might not happen.

If his life in a painting would be better than here with me, who would I be to stop him?

Still, I could feel his warmth through his hoodie. His scent lingered across ever fibre of fabric. I could almost remember the many embraces we shared on every occasion. I remember how we were pressed against each other in that stream after we had jumped off the cliff edge. I remember it all too much all too well.

Party. Yeah. This party could be a good distraction. He was probably fine and I needed to stop fretting so much.

Party. I could do a party.

Time Skip

Loud. Too loud. Sensory overload on hyperdrive.

Sweaty bodies pressed against each other, music pounding through the large speakers, the gentle sway of the drunks ready to fall flat on their face.

It was an environment I had once found fun. One that I embraced unapologetically. It was enjoyable to party with no strings attached. Without a care in the world.

But all of a sudden, it felt suffocating to be in this space. I found myself being pressed into a corner away from the crowd. It felt wrong to be here without him.

Maybe if I got drunk enough, I could stop thinking about it, but I just couldn't do it. All I could do was imagine his face, with utter culture shock, trying to navigate the swaying crowd, the bitter drinks, and the careless attraction these people felt.

"Hey Sohee! How've you been?" A familiar voice echoed in my mind, laced with a lack of cognition and drunkenness. Not again. Not when my Taehyung had promised me he'd come back.

God I hate commitment.

I was coming to terms with it. The constant pounding in my heart. The shattered anguish at the distance. The constant anxiety for his return.

My feelings were bursting out of my heart like water out of a balloon popped by the sharp edge of possibility.

Taehyung. Taehyung. Taehyung.

His name was an unending bell in the back of my mind.

Save him. Save him. Save him.

He called me his savior. He said I had saved him from that painting prison. He's not returned. What if he was stuck again? What if it was the touch of an unassuming human that brought them out?

And not to forget the other boys too. Their trauma rang endlessly in my head. I needed to help them to help me.

I caught a glimpse of Haru in the back of the room dancing with her girlfriend. Jun was nearby with his boyfriend.

I could go. I just had to beeline out of here. So I did. My feet carried me farther than my mind could comprehend, barely registering the people staring at me with drunken curiosity.

The cool air of the night hit me like a wave, but I kept going. I was in a trance as I got in my car and drove to that forsaken house.

I stumbled out of my car when I arrived, ignoring the pitch blackness around me. Ignoring the fact that the lights were off.

They were there. So close. Yet so very far.

My hand hovered over the doorknob. I could've had the strength to get in. To get them out of there. Or at least grab the canvas so they were safe enough to be near me. Where I could protect them.

The inner turmoil within me was exploding. My mind was on overdrive.

I dropped my hand from the knob and let out a pained sigh.

Kim Taehyung. I will wait as long as I have to. But you better get back to me safely. Or I will break into this guy's house, and break his face.

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