Chapter Twenty-Two

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    New Year's was nice for both Elizabeth and Rome, in fact it had seemed like a dream: pure fiction. It seemed to come too soon though. Everything seemed to come too soon because time's turning wheels didn't stop-they continued their pace just as steady as ever.

    In the next two months alone, Romulus and Elizabeth became closer than they'd been with anyone else. It was just life but for Elizabeth, it was her life. After her life with Rome, she would live on in the nether realm and he would never follow.

     For Rome, it was bliss for the most part. The other part was hell-sick blood smelled disgusting to any vampire but more than once, he'd wondered what it would taste like.

     His intrusive thoughts had started to get to him and he knew he needed human blood. It had been at least four months since he'd had his last sip and he was starting to become rapidly weak. It was what he was planning for once Elizabeth died-death for himself. He would starve himself of his life source and finally die. He hadn't informed a soul of this.

    Elizabeth got up from the couch, walking to the kitchen before feeling her legs wobble. She had two months left and worried if in the two months to come, she would be reduced to a body with no control of it's own. Quickly, she grabbed a cup of coffee and headed towards the couch before Romulus aided her back to the couch.

    She frowned with a sigh but thanked Rome before laying her head on his shoulder. It was visibly getting worse. She'd stayed up night after night worrying about how this would affect Rome. He'd mentioned his last partner had passed and now she was going to give him round two. She looked up at Rome, knowing how risky what she was about to ask but she didn't feel like there ever would be a right time to ask, "What was her name? Your last partner?"

     It had indeed caught Rome off guard but he answered nevertheless with a small grim smile, "Her name was Victoria Crowell."

    "You two were married." Elizabeth nodded to herself-that made since. She could tell that Rome thought about her often, it must have taken a horrible toll on him when it had happened since he was a vampire. Vampire or not though, survivor's guilt was horrible enough and the pain of losing a partner was unbearable.

    "We were. We married young but why the sudden interest if I may ask?" Rome looked to Elizabeth as he rubbed her back with one hand gently.

     Elizabeth covered herself in one of the blankets on the couch before grabbing her coffee off of the coffee table, warming her hands with the mug, "I can tell you think about her often."

    "Oh." Rome quieted himself, letting himself think before answering, "Yes, I do. But I also think about how much she would like that I'm with you." Rome thanked that Elizabeth wasn't looking at him because the tears that slipped down his cheeks were more real than they had been in the past few decades. It was the truth that he spoke, indeed-Victoria would love Elizabeth and if they'd ever met they would have probably been quite close to one another.

    Elizabeth placed her coffee cup back on the coffee table before giving Romulus a tight hug. She wiped his tears and pushed her head into his chest, "I hope she would." Elizabeth uttered to Rome, "because I will be here for you until the day I can't." She smiled to Romulus and he smiled back before kissing her on the forehead.

    "How are you feeling Elizabeth?"

    "Ah, I'm feeling alright. A little tired but I'll take a nap in a few hours and that should solve it. She answered, leaning into Rome's chest enjoying the comfort she found there.

     Rome ran his fingers through Elizabeth's hair with a small smile, "Have you taken your medicine today yet?"

     "I have." Elizabeth said, "What would you like to do today?"

     "You know my answer, Elizabeth. We should stay indoors today and let you rest. I do have to run some errands tonight but aside from that, we can have a movie date. Just inside." Rome chuckled to himself before he was met with a confused gaze.

     "What errands?" She'd noticed that Rome had begun to display signs of sickness as his own. Had he not been taking his blood tablets lately? Or were they beginning to not be enough yet.

    "Er, I'm going to visit Ms.Percy."

    "You're going to get blood." Elizabeth whispered.

     Word Count: 807

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