"Grey Band"

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"What is it, Wyatt? You don't like what I make for dinner? Don't like the fact that I want to have my own apartment?" She couldn't stand the idea of Wyatt finally finding his soulmate, not after dating for over a year, but she figures she'll have to face the facts eventually.

"I don't know. There's just something... off. I can't tell you what, but I think we need to take a break, okay?" Julianna's heart breaks when she hears that her boyfriend of over a year wants to "take a break", because it usually ends with a breakup. Or finding him sleeping with someone else, which would still end with their relationship officially over.

"Alright, fine. I'm going." Julianna holds back her tears in an attempt to stay strong. It's a miracle she does, but it only lasts as long as it takes to get to her car. "I shouldn't have been stupid enough to get in a relationship with someone like that." She wishes he didn't convince her to fall in love with him while he stayed stone cold.

Even with the tears pouring down her face, she can see the band on her necklace turn grey, signifying her soulmate is sad, too. No matter what she goes through, seeing the band sitting on her chest reminds her there is someone out there for her. She just has to meet them.

Sky blue is for happiness, yellow for sickness, and green is envy. Every shade of every color means a slightly different thing, but she's never seen the only color that tells her she's met her soulmate: white. Black, on the opposite end of the spectrum, means your soulmate has died, and the worst thing anyone experiences in a lifetime.

Wyatt, sitting in his empty apartment, finally realizes what it means to lose Julianna. And he's heartbroken over the idea of losing her temporarily, much less permanently. It seems that his soulmate, just like himself, is upset at something in their life, perfectly described by the stormy grey of the ring on his pinky finger. After receiving it on his fifteenth birthday, he has yet to take it off ever. Julianna's doesn't ever leave her neck, either, not after getting her own in the mail when she turned fifteen.

You see, dear reader, there is one flaw to the entire system, just like everything else. The rings only show when someone first meets their soulmate and, for the both of them, that happened before they got their rings. They couldn't have known any better, but it happens to a fair few people.

"What did I just do?" Wyatt asks himself, trying to determine whether picking up the pieces of his broken heart is even worth it. "God, I'm an idiot."

The only thing he does for the next few hours is watch movies that distract him from feelings, though it doesn't do a very good job at it. He watches action movie after action movie, refusing to turn a single movie on that has romance. He figured out, after a past heartbreak, that watching any kind of romance is out of the question when he's down and out. The broken love will only come back to haunt him. It's only once he gets a phone call that his focus on the movie in front of him is broken, launching him back into reality.

"Hey, Wyatt." Wyatt isn't expecting a call from anyone, much less the person whose heart he just broke. That's what he gets for not checking the caller ID. "I, um, this is going to sound horrible and mean no matter how I say it." Julianna just found out something that she deems more important to share with him than not.

During the three hours he bounced from movie to movie, she found a special jeweler, who can determine the ring's pair. After hearing a success story from a friend who felt like she'd never meet hers—and she actually hadn't—using his service helped her meet her soulmate finally. It's not a cheap service, by any means, but Julianna worked as an administrative assistant at a college that had decent pay and good hours.

"Julianna, why are you calling?" Wyatt is annoyed to hear her voice; he did just ask a few hours ago for a break in their relationship.

"We're soulmates." The two words roll off her tongue so easily, Wyatt's sure he didn't hear her right.

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