"The Duel Between God and The Devil"

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So, to be quite frank, God and I don't get along.
Not in the way you'd think, at least.
Or, rather, in almost any way.

Don't get along? I mean, we have our differences.
I find them quite admirable, to be truthful.

We don't. I drive him up a wall and his "nice" attitude is just plain annoying. We have a couple similarities, like being able to assign soulmates to each person, and we are praised by our respective worlds, but that's it.

Well, we do look alike, Devil. That's a similarity.
And we are—

Hey, they don't need to know that. Not right now, I can assure you that.
But sure. If you want to count the fact that we look like fraternal twins, go ahead.

I plan to. Anyways, we have an interesting story.
One about one of the many people we've assigned a soulmate. A beautiful girl, if I might say.
And rather a brave one.

Yes, it is very interesting. She, miraculously, picked the soulmate I named hers first.
For those of you who don't know, they always manage to find the one God picks first.
Like, I make good choices. And the chances they'll cross paths with either choice is nearly equal.
Don't you say anything. I know you're thinking about it.

I wasn't planning to. I was only going to say that my choices tend to be in their best interest.
And your choices only work out forty percent of the time.

I do have to point out that forty percent isn't low.
Yours only work out forty-two percent of the time.

Numbers aren't everything.
You know that, Devil. Plus, my matches are always happier.

They're happier? Well, that's just a matter of opinion. It's completely subjective.
From my point of view, mine look happier.

Look, I have plenty of things to attend to. Don't you have a world to advise?

My world is pretty independent. Plus, aren't we going to tell that story? We did promise these readers they have a story coming from us.

Ah, yes. We did promise that. You may start the story, if you'd like.

I plan to.


At birth, I, Devil, and God assign each person a soulmate. I pick someone who, based on a number of factors, enhances and compliments the person for whom they are being chosen. God, apparently, chooses soulmates which are "of their best interest", whatever that means.

This girl, Allison Alvorado, was abandoned by her mother on the day of her birth. Not abandoned by choice, but her mother did pass as a result of childbirth and her father wasn't in the picture to begin with. And, apparently, they were a God's match. We both aren't perfect, I do have to admit that. Lucky for her, she was adopted by a wonderful couple. They weren't matched by either of us, but I have to say I haven't seen many better pairs. One of the few that was a part of the eight percent.

She had the best childhood, loved by many and adored by many more. She smiled everyday and never asked for more than she thought she deserved as an adopted child of her parents. There wasn't a thing she thought she couldn't do or see or experience. When she turned eighteen, she was off to college, where she met and fooled around with plenty of guys. Anna took after myself in that regard. She didn't care for any of them, and made it clear. My kind of girl. I'm proud of her.

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