"Stars to Hearts to Flowers to Love"

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"Meena! Girl, you have to pick up after yourself. My powers aren't supposed to be used to put our room back to normal." Meena, one half of the duo in dorm room 3-911, has been asleep for the last four hours, and surely didn't make the mess that took up the entire room. She, like her roommate, has telekinesis, so it doesn't take much for her to move everything around, but this wasn't her work.

"Evie, this was not me. I've been asleep for four hours. Plus, I wouldn't touch your undergarments, much less put every single one on display." Evie hadn't noticed that each and every bra and pair of underwear was on display for both of them to see. Her raunchy tops—ones she only wore to parties because no one would really see what they revealed under the dark cover of night—were also thrown around and she could see that Meena's clothes were the same way.

"Meena, so are yours." That is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Somehow, someone was getting into their dorm room and doing this weekly. The fact that someone had done it while she was asleep in that very room sends shivers down both of their spines. "I'm going to go get the R.A. Just stay right there and don't put anything away so we can get good pictures."

Meena and Evie are beyond embarrassed by the state of their room. Who could possibly be their stalker and why does it seem that he (they're assuming it's a he because the rest of their floor, aside from a few, were all males) wants to get them into the sexiest clothes they own? It isn't something any girl should have to go through. Meena wishes she could pass it off as a dream, but this would probably be scarred in her mind for the rest of her life. Someone could've easily taken advantage of her while she was asleep—Meena is a deep sleeper and wouldn't have noticed if anyone dragged her out of the building while the fire alarm was blaring (something that had occurred more than once) much less something that involved far less movement.

"Oh, Lord. And this is how you found your room?" Their R.A.'s (Resident's Assistant) face pales at the sight of undergarments strewn across the room, especially since neither of them were the perpetrator. "Let me get some pictures, then you guys can pick it all up and I'll bring the paperwork back for you guys to fill out and I'll file it with the university." They are both sure the university will investigate heavily once it's filed.

"Thanks so much, Kacey." Kacey, who has infrared vision like many of the residents on their floor, scurries away to her room to get the paperwork started while Meena and Evie clean their room up in a couple of minutes thanks to the powers of telekinesis.

The only powers anyone could have are telekinesis, infrared vision, light generation, and levitation. Telekinesis is the ability to lift objects and, for those powerful enough, people (although only a couple inches off the ground) but no other living beings. Infrared vision means that the individual can see heat signatures and extra powerful people could see heat signatures within entire buildings. Light generation is nearly self explanatory, however those who can draw from their life-force can even burn people with the light they produce. And, of course, levitation. Levitating is limited to only living, breathing animals, and a small few percent can even move them across expansive terrains.

"Hi, girls. I'm back with the paperwork. I need both of you to fill out these papers and drop them off at the front desk. Make sure to sign and date at the bottom of the last page; the pictures will be sent in a follow-up email once a report number has been assigned. Did you need anything else?" Both Meena and Evie shake their heads, wishing they could forget all of this.

"What's up, Kace?" Bryce, their dorm neighbor, asks, peeking into their spotless room. He, not so secretly, has a crush on Evie but has yet to do anything about said crush. "Wow. I don't think I've seen your room this clean since, well, ever."

"I don't want to talk about it," Evie says, giving him a look that tells him to leave it be.

"Alright, just checking." Bryce keeps walking towards the men-only showers at the end of the hall, curious about what that could possibly be about. Each dorm room is connected to another via a bathroom, however it only has a toilet and a sink. The showers are located at the end of each hallway and denote which genders may use them.

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