"Phone Number Neighbor"

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A tale as old as time: two children in love on opposite sides of a family war. Love in the darkness—where secrets are best kept—might be a better way of putting it. This tale has one twist, though: they fell in love with each other before they knew who the other was. As many know, an emotional connection is just as important as a physical one. In fact, if it weren't for an internet challenge, this whole story would probably be obsolete.

Penelope Monteson, daughter of the legendary Charles Monteson, is one half of the love story. She is beautiful, poised, and the perfect daughter, if there ever was one in their teenage years. Her mother, the elegant Sofia Monteson (neé James), as most of the rural city said, raised Penelope perfectly. Sofia only claims that she had the perfect daughter to raise.

The other side of the equation, in the only other family that can rival the Montesons, is Drew Creighton. The Creighton family, with Garrett Creighton at the head, is nearly equal to the Monestons in power, money, and influence. Just like Penelope, Drew is the perfect son, doing all the right things and wooing over half the female population—including those who are married. The third member, his mother, is the perfect trophy wife, but also played a hand in half of the city boards on top of plenty of volunteer work. Mrs. Hannah Creighton was one hell of a trophy wife, and made sure everyone knew.


If I had to start this story somewhere, it wouldn't be the beginning. In fact, a little before the end is probably best. So, let's start there.

First, to set the scene.

Baby pink walls, a twin bed with white and blue sheets, and an armoire across from the bed in white. A glass desk with a few scattered papers rested next to the wardrobe, covering topics in math not many understand. Underneath it all was a beige carpet, making the floors feel plush, unlike the hardwood that covered most of the rest of the house. The daughter of the house is sitting on her bed, reading one of her favorite novels as her mother makes dinner for the household of five. Aside from their perfect eldest daughter, Penelope, the Montesons have two twin boys, Kirk and Arnold, who are sixteen year old troublemakers with a pension for rebellion.

"Penny, dinner is ready." The older housemaid the Montesons hired before Penny was born, Katherine Wood, is one of the nicest people and a true influence into how Penny lives her life. Penny blamed the reason she is so well behaved is due to Mrs. Wood; her mother's influence having nothing to do with the situation, despite society's beliefs.

"Of course. I'll be right down, Mrs. Wood." Closing up the book, Penny slid a bookmark in between the frayed pages and headed down two flights of stairs to reach the dining room. One set is a secret she managed to keep from her family after finding it when she was very young, and where she often dashed off to when her family had fights. With two teenage boys in the house, her mother and father often needed to have a word with them about their actions, and those words tended to penetrate almost every wall in the household. The other is the main stairs, ones that would make her feel like the belle of the ball if she ever decided to wear a dress and heels.

"There you are. Now, let's say grace." Penny, joining in with her family, says grace in unison with the other four sitting around the table. Once it's over, she is the first to grab a roll, despite her brothers' protests.

"How's work been, Charlie?" Sofia asks, attempting to strike up a conversation, but oblivious to the issues he's been having at his job.

"Well, Kim wants me to work with Garrett Creighton on a project, and he is so smug about it. I can't stand the man." Penny, shoving food in her mouth, wishes she didn't have to listen to the complaints about a man she's never met. She, along with her two brothers, have never met anyone in the Creighton family, or even been in the same room as them. At least, that's as much as the parents know, although, as I've stated, secrets are best kept in darkness.

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