"Til Death Do Us... Not Part"

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I've always stared at the clock on the wall and wondered how the world could've given me so little time with my soulmate. On my thirteenth birthday, just like every other person in the world, I was given a clock that had a countdown until the day my soulmate died. It ran out six years ago, the day I turned seventeen. Nobody knew that was the case, and I still have yet to tell anyone. I got a fake one—the internet is a wonderful thing—set for when I turn seventy in case anyone asks me what my time is.

"Emma! Are you ready to go?" Ready as I'll ever be. Tonight is yet another gig of mine, this time at a coffee shop just down the street. It's where I did my first gig, which catapulted the rest of my career, so I play there every few weeks. My roommate, who has supported me unwaveringly for three years, is probably my best friend at this point, and I'm grateful for her. My parents also greatly support me in my endeavor, but they don't come to almost any of my gigs. Grabbing my guitar, I meet Julie at the door.

"Yep. Let's go." I have a ton of energy because I'm excited to perform again. After six gigs, I stopped getting nervous in front of crowds. I stopped being scared that the crowd would laugh at me and just decided to have fun. That's all I'm trying to do. There will always be people that don't like what I do, but I just have to ignore them and listen to the people who like me.

"So, what songs are you planning to sing tonight?" Julie wonders as we walk down the sidewalk.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I tease, and she glares, lightly punching my arm. "Hey, no one else knows, either. I even wrote a new song for tonight."

"Wait, when did you write a new song?" She seems offended that she doesn't know, especially given the fact that she's been working from home for the last week. I, on the other hand, have barely been home at all in the last week. The pier has always been my favorite place to write songs, and this time was no different.

It's actually a goodbye song. Well, it's more complicated than that. It's saying goodbye to the old me and embracing whatever comes my way.

"I was at the pier most of the week. My guitar had a lot of bonding time." I pat the guitar slung over my shoulder. It's my baby since I don't have children of my own. That requires having a soulmate that's alive. If only...

"You and your guitar have a stronger bond than my soulmate and I do." That's not saying much. My soulmate is six feet under, while hers is two thousand miles away. We only figured that out because there's a site where you can pay to have them use the barcode to determine your soulmate. Fifty years ago, people would've looked at you weird for doing that; nowadays, it's normal and expedites the process.

"My guitar trumps my soulmate, whenever he or she shows up." Walking into the café, I check in and walk backstage. "I'll see you later."

There's another girl there, who seems like she's newer to the gig scene, but she seems really sweet. At least, judging by the way she's treating the people around her that are setting up the stage. Her blonde hair shimmers a little in the light, framing her heart-shaped face perfectly. I had to look away before I couldn't stop looking at her. I know I'm bi-sexual, but I definitely have to admit that I thought I liked guys more. But, there's something about her that draws me in.

"Hi, I'm Ava. You must be the other act for tonight." She walks over to me with a bright smile on her face. Her fingers tap against the outside of her thigh in a rhythmic pattern. She must be a pianist. I've always liked the instrument, but I don't want to learn another on top of guitar. That's a beast I don't need to tackle.

"Yeah. I'm Emma." I extend my hand towards her and she takes it. "You must be new. I don't recognize you."

"It's my first gig, actually. One of my friends has been bugging me for months to do it," Ava admits. She seems a little embarrassed, but it actually only makes me admire her more. It's hard to get on stage in front of a bunch of people and bare your soul. "Looks like I'm up. Wish me luck."

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