Chapter 1

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It was the third day of the four-day concert tour in America. The first two days were amazing and the boys were excited for the last two shows. Yesterday they got a day off to relax and build up new energy. Some of the members went to the Hotel's spa, enjoying the heat of the sauna and getting massages to relax their tense muscles. Other members wanted to explore the area, since they would head back to Korea once their tour was finished.
Being well rested after a well spent day off, the boys arrived at the stadium where tonight's concert would take place.

"Wow, it looks like the stadium gets bigger every day!" Hoseok said while walking on the stage. Each member grabbed their own colored microphone and gathered in the center of the main stage. They were wearing comfortable clothes, but each in their own style.

"Okay, let's start with Dynamite!" the stage manager's voice was heard through the speakers. And a second later the music started, sending the boy's bodies automatically into motion. They could do the dances in their sleep, since they had practiced it probably hundred times.

Next was Idol, and tonight they decided to do free style dancing instead of the practiced choreography. They wanted to make each concert special, so they made a few changes here and there.

"Good job, guys! Let's take a five minute break before we continue with Fire" the loud voice was heard again after the song had ended. The members each grabbed a water bottle and sat down on the island stage that was connected to the main stage.

"I hope the crowd will be as excited as the previous days. They were so loud and fun!" Taehyung said to Jungkook who was sitting next to him. Jungkook nodded "Yeah, I think they're one of the loudest fans in the world! Ohh Tae!! Let me piggy ride you tonight from the main stage to here. ARMY would love that!" Taehyung nearly jumped in the air, and hugged the younger one "Yeah, let's do that Kookie!"

On the other side of the small stage were Hoseok, Seokjin and Namjoon. There were going over some parts of the choreography of the next song. The main dancer carefully observing the other two and pointing out their mistakes patiently. Yoongi and Jimin had sat down close to the dancing members, watching them and occasionally laughing when Seokjin made the same mistake for the third time in row.

"Aii you brats, do you need popcorn or something?! Go watch something else!" Seokjin playfully ranted, causing Jimin to double over from laughter.

"Get ready boys, we will start again in 30 seconds" Everybody took one last sip of their water, throwing the bottles away and got into position.

"Remember to get to the main stage before the last part of the choreography" this time they heard the voice of their choreographer beaming through the stadium.

The tunes of Fire started and the boys moved perfectly in synchrony to the beat. And like they were told, they run to the main stage at 2/3 of the song. Together with the back ground dancers, who joined them on the stage, they danced the last but most intense part of the song. When the song ended, the 7 members dropped down on the floor, catching their breaths. The others dancers moved silently off the stage, like they would during the concert tonight.

One by one the boys stood up and walked towards the end of the platform. Normally, they would descent with the lift, but there was a technical problem so they had to improvise for now. The problem would be fixed before the performance tonight, they were promised.

The vocal line moved into position for Truth Untold, standing in front of the broken lift, and the rappers sat down on the right side of them so they could watch them perform. But before the music started, a loud bang was heard from underneath the stage.

"Wow, what was that?" asked Hoseok. Everybody looked shocked at each other but remained standing or seated.

"It sounded like something heavy was dropped" said Jimin. Taehyung nodded at the comment and his lips moved to say something as well but he was interrupted by an another bang. The bang was much louder the previous one, causing the ground to shake like there was an earthquake. The stage, were they boys were, collapsed with sounds of wood breaking and metal hitting metal. A few yells and screams were heard but soon silence took over the now collapsed stage

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