Chapter 5

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"Seokjin?" Namjoon screamed when he heard the voice of the oldest member.

A  second later he spotted Jin sitting on the floor, a few meters away  from him. "Yoongi, Hoseok, I found Seokjin!" He yelled to the other two  who were close behind him. Fast and not too carefully he dodged the  debris and moved to Jin.

"Joon, I have never been so happy to see  you" he heard Seokjin say. Namjoon was finally near the boy's side and  opened his mouth to answer but then he noticed that Jin wasn't alone. He  gasped when he saw Jungkook lying next to him, pinned down by a big  box.

"Oh no Kookie" he whispered.

"Jin hyung? Are you -  Jungkook!" Yoongi said when he had reached the oldest and youngest  members as well, supporting Hoseok in the meantime.

"Please help Jungkook, he has trouble breathing" Seokjin pleaded when the three boys had joined them.

Namjoon,  Yoongi and Hoseok nodded at moved around the large box. Yoongi counted  down from three and then they tried to lift it. But the box didn't move  more than a few centimeters since Namjoon could only lift with one hand, Yoongi  could barely add any strength without causing a lot of pain to this  entire right side and Hoseok stood unsteady on his feet to avoid his  injured leg.
Jungkook groaned in pain when the box moved a little bit. "St - op" the youngest whispers after a few tries.

Seokjin was the only one who had head the small voice and quickly yelled to the others to stop "Stop! It's hurting him too much"

The three boys looked guilty that they didn't succeed and sat down next to Jin and Jungkook on the ground.

"I'm  so sorry Kook" Hoseok said while he moved his hand through the boy's  hair. Jungkook was breathing heavily due to the pain, but he managed to  shake his head "not yo - your fault hy-ung"

"Are you hurt Jin?" Yoonig asked the oldest. Seokjin looked away from Jungkook to look at the rapper "Only my knee. And you?"

"Just  bruises, let me look at your knee." Yoongi moved a little closer to his  hyung's legs. He didn't had to be told which knee it was when he saw  the injured left knee "Aii Hyung that's looks painful"

"It doesn't hurt that much if I don't move". Seokjin tried to reassure him.

"What is wrong?" Hoseok asked from his place next to Jungkook's head.

"Jin's  knee is dislocated, his kneecap is on the inside". Yoongi explained.  Hoseok turned a little green at the description of the injury.

"How  did you get burned Hobi? Did the explosion hit you?" The oldest boy  asked Hoseok when he noticed why the boy was limping before.

"I fell on a hot metal pipe". The dancer replied

"There was a fire close to him" Yoongi added with a concerned look on his face.

"A fire?" Jin said with fear in his eyes.

"Yeah  but it was a small fire, but I really hope to be somewhere else before  it gets bigger" Yoongi responded. He looked at Namjoon, and noticed once  again that the leader was deadly silent again, eyes staring at  Jungkook's struggling form.

"Namjoon?" Seoojin carefully asked when he saw Yoongi staring at Namjoon.

"Namjoon!" He then yelled when he didn't receive a response.

"Yeah sorry what did you say?" The leader snapped out of his unfocused stare.

"Did you hit your head? You spaced out for a moment" Jin asked with concern.

"No, I only hurt my hand when I fell on it" he tried to reassure the oldest and showed his injured hand as prove.

"Are  you sure you didn't hit your head? You've been not yourself since the  explosion". Yoongi glared at him, at the same time cursing to himself  for not thinking about a head injury before.

"Yeah I didn't hurt  my head, I guess I'm still shocked from the explosion". Namjoon said and  gave them a small smile, trying to cover his lie.

They were  interrupted by a cough and pained moans coming from Jungkook. "I'm so  sorry Kook, I wish I could help you". Hoseok said to the youngest, a  single tear fell from his cheeks. He didn't know if the maknae had heard  him since he didn't receive a reaction from the hurt boy. But after a  few wheezed breaths he heard him whisper in the softest voice "don't cry  hy-ung"
It only caused Hoseok to cry more, seeing the youngest in pain.

"Did  you hear anything from Jimin or Tae?" Youngi asked after a few silent  moments. Seokjin looked down at his hands and then shook his head.

Yoongi  stood up and winced when he felt his bruised body starting to protest.  "I'm going to search for them. You stay here" he said to the other boys. 

Seokjin nodded "Be careful Yoongi". The rapper gave him a reassuring smile and then left.

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