Chapter 4

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Seokjin opened his eyes, at least he thought he had opened his eyes, but he was met with darkness. He tried to move one on his hands to his eyes to check if he had opened them, but then he realized he was lying on the ground in an awkward position. His chest was on the ground with his arms lying beside his head and his hips were turned so his right leg was underneath his left leg, both legs bend.

'How?' Jin thought to himself. He took a moment to think about how he ended up lying in this position. He remembered rehearsing with the boys, going over some difficult parts of the choreography with Hoseok and then coming back to the main stage during Fire. He vaguely remembered that he and the others were standing in front of the broken lift. 'Ooh no' then the oldest member remembered the loud bang.

Glad that he finally knew why he was on the ground in the first place, he tried to stand up but he stopped immediately when an unbearable sharp pain shot through his left knee.

"Aarghh" Seokjin yelled, 'that hurt like hell'. He tried to focus on his breathing in an attempt to control the pain. Eventually the pain ebbed down when he was not moving for a few moments. He decided to do a quick scan of his own body to see if he had more injuries. He still couldn't see properly but when he managed to move his hands, he noticed that a piece of the platform was hovering above his head like a tent. He turned his upper body so now his whole body was lying on his side and then he managed to crawl away from underneath the collapsed structure. The boy was relieved when he was finally met by some lights.

Seokjin was shocked when he looked around. Pieces of wood of the floor were lying everywhere and metal pipes that usually hold the wooden pieces where bend in different directions. There were also a few big black equipment boxes, that the staff used to store their stage decorations, mixed into the debris. In short, it was a mess.
The boy turned his focus back to himself and started to pad his arms and chest to check if anything hurts. He was glad that he didn't found any injuries, but his relief was of short notice when he figured out why his left knee was hurting so much moments before. His kneecap was on the inside of his knee, instead in the middle when it should have been. Seokjin nearly threw up at the sight of his mangled knee.

"No, no, no" he mumbled, looking away from the knee. His right leg was still underneath the injured knee and started to cramp due to the unusual position. So Jin tried to sit up, slowly turning his hips so he could sit on his butt. During the process he carefully guided his left leg with his hands, trying to minimalize the pain. But unfortunately, his efforts where not enough and the pain shot back again. The eldest couldn't held back the groans that where escaping his mouth, joined by a few tears that were rolling down his cheeks.

"Hyung?" a soft voice was heard. Seokjin stilled, he didn't knew it he imagined the voice or if the voice was actually there.

"Hy-ung?" the voice whispered again.

"Jungkook, is that you? Where are you?" Jin asked out loud, immediately recognising that the voice belonged to the maknae. He looked around but he didn't see the boy or any of the other members.

"Jungkook?!" the oldest one almost yelled when he didn't received an answer from the youngest. Seokjin looked around again, his eyes desperately darting from side to side, but there was too much debris and too little light.

"Hyung" thankfully the voice came back, but Jin noticed that the voice was weak and it sounded out of breath. He frowned, Jungkook was the fittest out of them, and usually it took a lot for the boy to be out of breath.

"Jungkook, are you hurt? Please tell me were you are" Seokjin pleaded, his voice filled with concern.

"I'm – stuck" he heard the youngest whisper. Jin felt his heart skip a beat. The boy's voice didn't sound good and he was probably hurt badly if he was stuck.

"Ahh Kookie, please keep talking. I'm trying to find you but I can't see much since it's so dark" Seokjin started to crawl in the direction where he had heard Jungkook's voice. The hot pain in his left knee was ignored by the adrenaline rush take took over.

"Hurt – s... hy -ung" Jungkook slurred

Soeokjin started to crawl even faster when he heard the maknae's again. When moved around a big piece of platform, he saw two arms and a mop of darkbrown hair lying on the ground.

"Jungkook! I'm here!" the oldest one said while his grabbed the boy's hands in his own.

"Hy – ung" Jungkook breathed out again, trying to turn his head as much as he could.

"Yeah I'm here" Seokjin signed with relief, and moved one hand through the boy's hair. But he relief was soon replaced with terror when he saw the rest of the boy's body. A large black equipment box had fallen over and pinned the boy's chest and lower back to the ground. The box must be really heavy since the maknae was having trouble breathing. His breaths were fast and shallow.

"You – hurt?" the younger one whispered, wincing in pain because of the movement of his chest when he talked.

"Shush, don't talk Kookie, you will hurt yourself. I will be fine, don't worry about me" Seokjin had sat down next to Jungkook's head and moved his hand through the boy's hair again, trying to comfort him.

"You – crying" Jungkook continued and lifted his left arm to reach the older one's cheek. Seokjin caught the arm and gently lowered it back to the ground and gave it a little squeeze.

"I hurt my knee" Jin decided to tell the truth since the youngest wouldn't stop until he knew the truth. Jungkook's eyes widened at the response and tried to look at his hyung's leg. He let out a frustrated huff when he couldn't turn around enough to see the injury.

"Stop moving! Trust me when I say I will be okay" Seokjin said seriously. "Don't speak, just move your head to respond okay?" he then asked. Jungkook nodded.

"Do you feel your legs Kookie" the oldest one carefully asked. The younger one was still for a moment but then he nodded and started to wiggle his feet a little bit to show Seokjin. The eldest signed with relief "That's good Jungkook"

"Did you hear something from Jimin or Taehyung?" he continued. Jungkook shook his head while tears were forming in his eyes.

"No don't cry, they will be okay, we will be okay" Jin immediately regretted asking the previous question. The younger one nodded, but he couldn't hold back the tears that were now streaming down his cheeks. Seokjin looked nervously at the struggling boy. He hated that he couldn't try and lift the heavy object of the maknae. The pain of his knee was coming back again and he closed his eyes for a moment.

"Hey, did I tell you what Namjoon had broken while we were shopping yesterday?" Jin decided to at least try and distract Jungkook while they waited for help. Jungkook shook his head. Seokjin smiled a little and continued to tell the story.

After a few minutes Jin suddenly stopped talking midway through the story and Jungkook looked up at him, confusing in his eyes.

"Hy – ung?" the youngest one whispered.

"Shush, I think I heard something" Seokjin moved a hand on Jungkook's arm. Together they went silent and then they heard footsteps coming closer.

"Hey! Hey! We are here!" Jin then yelled out loud. Jungkook jumped at the sudden noise, groaning in pain because of the movement.


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