Chapter 8

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When Yoongi returned to the 5 other boys, he knelt next to Jungkook who was in Hoseok's lap with Seokjin sitting next to them.

"Hey kookie" he said softly and moved a hand through the boy's hair. The maknae looked exhausted, and he knew that if Hoseok would release his hold on him, that the boy would fall on the ground like a rag doll. Jungkook looked at him with half closed eyes and gave him a weak smile. He was still struggling to breath properly, so Yoongi turned to Hoseok instead.

"How is he doing?"

"He is coughing less, so that's positive" Hoseok said, looking nervously down at the boy in his arms. He then moved his hand to block the maknae's ear, so he couldn't hear the next part

"Yoongi, I'm really worried. I swear I felt one of his ribs move and he is still struggling to breath. He is exhausted." The dancer whispered to the oldest rapper in front of him.

Yoongi nodded, but his face showed nothing more than pure concern. "Try to keep him as comfortable as possible. I'm sure that help is coming soon" He tried to reassure the younger member. Hoseok relaxed a little bit at the words of his hyung and removed the hand on Jungkook's ear.

"Did you manage to talk to Namjoon?" Seokjin then asked. Yoongi signed "Yeah, he's okay. He will join us in a few minutes. We will talk about it when we get out of here, okay?" the rapper said, and emphasized his last words. He knew that Seokjin and Hoseok would fire questions at Namjoon the minute he got back, so Yoongi gently asked them to save it for later. The dancer and the oldest member nodded, indicating that they got the message. Yoongi smiled at them before he left to sit next to Taehyung and Jimin again. He was glad that Taehyung was finally sitting again. The boy looked still very pale, but at least his eyes were focused.

"Hey Tae, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm fine hyung" the younger one answered, but the rapper knew he was lying. He saw the boy shivering and his skin looked clammy. The boy had probably lost a lot of blood, judging by the amount of blood on his clothes and the small puddle on the ground.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

The boys looked surprised at the new voice and lifted their heads to the structure above them where they had heard it.


The voice was back again, and now they could recognize it was their manager who was calling for them.



"Sejin! We're here!" Hoseok, Yoongi and Seokjin shouted

Then they heard the manager shout, probably to other staff members before the voice focused back on them again. The boy's sighed with relief when they saw Namjoon almost running back to them as well, since the boy had heard the others shout their manager's name.

"Did Sejin found us?" the leader asked hopeful, and he got his answer a second later from the man himself

"Ahh I'm so glad to hear you voices! Are you okay? Are you all down there?"

"Yeah we're all here hyung!" Hoseok yelled back.

"Good, the firefighters are trying to get to you but they must be careful. The structure could collapsed even more if they move too quickly" Sejin explained. The boys were still looking at the collapsed structure above them, trying to spot the manager but they couldn't see him unfortunately.

"Are you hurt? I can't see you" he then asked.

"Uhmm..." Suddenly Hoseok lost his tongue. He felt a lump growing in his throat. Where should he start?
Seokjin saw Hoseok struggle so he decided to take over. "Hyung, we're all hurt. Could you please get the medics here as soon as possible? Jungkook is struggling to breath"

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