Chapter 9

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When the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Yoongi was led to the emergency department in a private room. A few moments later Sejin and a doctor entered the room.

"Sejin! Where are the others?" Yoongi asked desperately.

"You're the first one here Yoongi. But the rest will arrive soon as well, don't worry. " Sejin reassured him. "Now, let the doctor check your injuries"

Yoongi let the doctor examine every inch of his body, gently prodding and touching every bruise. Yoongi tried to suppress the pain, hoping that the doctor would release him sooner than later so he could join the others. After the examination was done, he saw the two men talk to each other but he didn't even try to understand what they were saying. His thoughts were with his members and he tried to focus on the sounds on the other side of the door. The emergency department sounded crowded and he could hear several people shouting and running. He wandered if the other boys had arrived in the meantime, so he tried to watch through the window next to the door, but the curtains prevented it.

"Yoongi?" the rapper jumped at little when he heard the manager call his name. "Yoongi, the doctor said that you'll be fine. Your whole right side is covered with bruises but thankfully no broken bones or internal bleeding. The first few days will be the most painful, so the doctor will prescribe you some stronger painkillers but you don't have to be admitted"

Yoongi nodded, only half listening since he didn't really care about his own injuries. He wanted to be with the others, and not in a private room not knowing where the others are. He heard Sejin thanking the doctor when he left and Yoongi already climbed off the examination table.

"Let me see the others hyung"

The manager nodded and wrapped an arm around the boy's waist when he saw him limping a little bit. Together they left the room and Sejin guided Yoongi to an empty chair. "Wait here, let me ask where the others are"

The rapper watched as Sejin went to the reception and sighed with relief when he saw the woman behind the desk smile and then point at several rooms. 'The rest must have arrived then' he thought

Soon the manager was next to him again, helping him to his feet. "She said that Namjoon and Seokjin are in room 7 and Jimin in room 11."

"And Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook?" Yoongi asked concerned when he only heard half of the members.

"They're being treated right now, so we can't join them. She couldn't tell me more though" Sejin explained, but he saw the panic on the boy's face. "Hey none of that, they're in safe hands. We will see them soon. Let's go to the others in the meantime."

Yoongi bit his lip nervously but after a few seconds he nodded. They started to walk to the rooms of the others. Yoongi stopped in front of the door with number 7 "You should go to Jimin, hyung. We will be fine, Namjoon can translate for Seokjin"

The manager nodded. "Keep me updated though" he said before he left the boy.

Yoongi entered the room and he was surprised to only find Seokjin.

"Yoongi!" the oldest one yelled.

The rapper smiled a little, and moved towards the bed. "Hey hyung, how is your leg?"

"I don't know yet. They made a X-ray to check if I didn't fracture it. The doctor can come back any second"

Yoongi nodded "Where is Namjoon"? I thought he would be here as well"

"They are making a cast for his arm right now. He has broken his hand in 3 different places"

The younger one winced at the words and unconsciously took one of Seokjin's hands in his own. The older one was starting to inspecting Yoongi's body. "What about you? I saw you limping" he narrowed his eyes with suspicion.

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