Chapter 6

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The 95-liners were slowly walking through the debris. Taehyung grabbed Jimin's waist when the older one stumbled on a metal pipe that lay on the ground.

"You okay?" Taehyung asked. Jimin nodded as he lifted his head to face the other one. "Yeah just didn't see the pipe"

"Yeah it's quit dark here" the younger one agreed. They continued to walk in the direction they thought the other members would be, this time walking a little more carefully. But after a few steps Jimin almost fell again, now because of a piece of platform.

"Aii this place is a mess" the older one said and Taehyung hummed in response, keeping his eyes on the ground to look for a clear path. Suddenly they heard some noises close by and both boys instantly froze on the spot.

"Did you hear that?" Taehyung asked softly. Jimin nodded and then started to yell

"Hello? Is someone there?"


Both members signed with relief when they heard Yoongi's voice. "Yoongi! We are here!" Jimin yelled again.

"Be careful hyung, there is a lot of debris here!" Taehyung added with his loud deep voice. They heard Yoongi crash into something and then stumble before they saw him coming out of the darkness.

"Are you okay?" the older one asked when he was finally within their reach, but it was still too dark to see the boys properly.

"Jimin had hit his head" Taehyung said. "And Tae hurt his arm" Jimin continued.

Yoogni smiled that the 95-liners were talking about the other one instead of themselves. "Can you walk? I can't look at your injuries here, let's go back to the others. They're not far away"

"Did you find the others? Are they okay?" the youngest one fired questions at the rapper.

"Easy Tae, yeah they're all there. Come, we should go back, they are worried about you" Yoongi hold out his hand for Jimin to take. When Jimin grabbed the older one's hand, he felt Yoongi pull him a little closer. Taehyung took Jimin's other hand and the three of them walked slowly back in the direction where the rapper had came from.

Jimin had stumbled a few times again, and Taehyung was becoming worried. At first he blamed the debris, but now he wasn't sure anymore. He tightened his grip on his soulmate when he almost fell again. Soon they heard the voices of Seokjin and Hoseok fill the air when the space become a little brighter.

"Tae, Jiminie! Ahh I am so glad to see you! Aii you're hurt!"

"Jimin! Taehyung!"

Taehyung and Jimin visibly relaxed when they heard their hyungs, but then they tensed when they could see them properly. Seokjin was sitting on the ground, his legs outstretched in front of him. His left leg looked wrong, like it was twisted. Hoseok was also sitting down, one of his legs looked like a mess as well, supporting a large burn wound on his thigh. And then they say Jungkook. Their only donsaeng being crush by a big box.

"Hyung! Kookie!" they both yelled and knelt in between the youngest and Seokjin.

"Hey" Jungkook whispered and he moved his left arm to reach Taehyung. The second youngest saw his attempt and quickly grabbed the boy's hand. The maknae let out a content huff and his shoulder slumped back down on the ground in relief.

"Tae, your arm doesn't look good. Is it still bleeding?" Seokjin motioned at his wrapped arm. The piece of cloth was soaked with fresh blood. Taehyung shrugged, he didn't care about his wound since he was still focused on Jungkook.

"Let me see it Tae" Yoongi had knelt next to Taehyung, placing his hand on the boy's shoulder to get his attention. The boy turned his head to look at the rapper and shook his head

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