Chapter 3

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Taehyung and Jimin had tried to grab each other when they felt the ground collapsing underneath them, but they were too late. Taehyung only had felt the tips of Jimin's tiny fingers and then a hot sharp pain on this lower right arm. When he noticed that he was no longer falling down, he immediately moved his left hand to his right arm and gasped he felt blood running through his fingers. He looked at his pained arm and saw a big gash from his wrist to the crook of his elbow. The part near his wrist was bleeding the most since the cut was deeper there. He tried to stop the bleeding with his left hand, but although he had the biggest hands out of the boys, his hands were still not big enough to cover the whole gash.

"Jimin?" he asked out loud while he looked around. He could really use the other 95-liner's help right now.

"Jimin?!" the boy asked again, this time a little louder since he didn't receive an answer. When he was only met by silence, his worry increased so Taehyung stood up so he could see more of his surroundings. He was shocked at the mess around him, it looked like a bomb had gone off, 'or was it actually a bomb?' he thought to himself. He still couldn't spot the other boy so he carefully stepped around a big piece of platform to continue his search for Jimin. Thankfully, he didn't have to look far since he spotted the boy lying on the ground almost 2 meters from where he had fallen himself.

"Jimin!!" he yelled and quickly kneeled next to his soulmate. The boy was unconscious, lying on his side with a small puddle of blood coming underneath his head.

"Wake up Jimin, please open your eyes" Taehyung pleaded while tears were forming in his eyes. He moved his left arm to shake the smaller boy, not caring that his own gash was bleeding faster again now that the hand was not covering it anymore.

"Please Jimin" tears were now falling on his cheeks since Jimin didn't wake up. Taehyung looked around, looking for help but unfortunately he didn't see or hear anyone else. Suddenly he felt very alone and scared. He whipped the tears with his left hand causing blood smears on his own cheeks, and then he gently rolled Jimin on his back so he could look at the wound on the boy's head. Close to the hairline was a small gash but it was bleeding a lot. Taehyung ripped a piece from his shirt and hold it against the head wound. When he pressed down on the wound a little harder, he saw the boy's eyes flutter.

"Jimin! Open your eyes please" Taehyung was relieved that he finally saw some response coming from the other.

"Tae?" Jimin moaned, his face had a pained expression.

"Yeah it's me, can you open your eyes?" Taehyung tried again. Then Jimin carefully opened his eyes one by one. The younger one sighed in relief.

"You're bleeding" the smaller boy said when he saw blood streaming down Taehyung's right arm.

"You're also bleeding" Taehyung retorted the comment. Jimin laughed, but winced when it increased his headache. "That's why we're soulmates"

The younger one smiled in return "Yeah we are. Do you think you can sit Jiminie?" he then asked.

Jimin thought for a moment but then nodded and together with Taehyung's help he moved so he was sitting instead. He felt a little dizzy so he grabbed the other boy's arm to steady him.

"Jimin?! Are you okay?" Taehyung desperately asked when he saw Jimin becoming very pale.

"Yeah, just need a moment" the older one said, closing his eyes. After a few seconds he opened his eyes again and saw Taehyung looking at him with concern. "It's okay Tae, just got a dizzy from sitting" he tried to reassure him. Taehyung was still holding the piece of cloth to the head wound, so Jimin moved both his hands to cover his gash on younger one's right arm. "Sorry" Jimin said when he saw the boy wince at the contact on his wound.

"Do you know where the others are?" the older one then asked with a small voice. Taehyung shook his head and turned his head to look around once again.

"They must be close , we were standing next to each other before the stage collapsed" he said. "We should try and find then. Do you think you can walk Jiminie?"
Jimin nodded "Yeah I think so, but we need to stop the bleeding first. You're still bleeding pretty bad Tae" he moved one of his hands carefully to look at the gash again. As soon as the hand was removed, blood was streaming down the arm again. Jimin frowned in concern, judging by the blood smeared on the boy's clothing he already had lost a large amount of blood.

"Wait" Taehyung said, and ripped a piece of his shirt again. "Tie this around the wound" he gave the piece of cloth to Jimin, and moved his hands back to his shirt to rip another piece but the other boy stopped him. "Use my shirt, you almost have no shirt left anymore" Jimin said with a gentle smile.

Taehyung nodded and carefully ripped Jimin's shirt and tied the cloth around the boy's head as well. Jimin had did the same with the younger one's arm in the meantime. When both boys wounds were covered up with improvised bandages, they moved to stand up. They hold onto each other when they both felt dizzy. Jimin from his head fwound and Taehyung from the blood loss. "You okay" the younger one asked after a few moments. Jimin nodded and looked at the other 95-liner "And you?"

"Yeah I'm good" Taehyung replied and together they slowly walked to the left side, where they had last seen the other members.

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