Chapter 2

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Yoongi opened his eyes when the ground has stopped shaken. He had fallen on the ground on his left side and he was pinned down by a large piece of wood that lay on his right side. His right side hurt where the wood had slammed on his body, so he tried to push it away, but he didn't had a lot of strength since he was lying sideways.

"Namjoon! Hoseok!"

"Namjoon please answer me!"

He called for the other rappers, he knew the rappers must be close since they were sitting next to each other before the stage collapsed.

"Yoongi? Oh shit, wait don't move, I will help you!" he heard Namjoon's voice coming closer. After a few seconds he felt the weight of his side being lifted. Yoongi only needed a few inches and then he could crawl from underneath it.

"You okay hyung?" he felt Namjoon's hands on his shoulder when he tried to stand up. His right side hurt like he was punched repeatedly by a professional boxer, but it didn't felt like anything was broken thankfully. Yoongi lifted his head to look at the younger one.

"Yeah, only bruises. How about you? Did you hurt your hand?" he asked, his voice strained while he tried to catch his breath. Yoongi noticed that the leader was cradling his right hand close to his chest. It was already turning various shades of blue and purple, so he wouldn't be surprised if the hand was broken.

"Yeah my hand broke my fall, I'm not hurt anywhere else" Namjoon replied, but he didn't dare to look Yoongi in his eyes. The older one frowned "Are you sure?"

"Yeah" Namjoon nodded. Yoongi still wasn't convinced, since the leader was acting differently than usual, but he was interrupted by a scream.

"Hoseok!" both boys yelled and run towards the noise. They found Hoseok sitting with his hands hovering above his right thigh. A part of the jeans was ripped and they saw burns on his skin.

"Hoseok!" Yoongi went to kneel next to Hoseok, but Hoseok held his hand up for the rapper to stop.

"No stop, watch out for the pipes, they're hot!" the dancer yelled when he noticed Namjoon and Yoongi getting too close to the collapsed structure. There were tears streaming down his cheeks due to the pain. Yoongi looked at the pipes with a confused look. He moved his hand carefully to one of them and noticed the heat radiating from it. 'Why where the pipes so hot?' he thought, but then he saw smoke coming from behind Hoseok.

"We need to move Hoseok, there's a fire behind you!" the oldest of the three yelled. Hoseok turned around immediately, and finally noticed the smoke as well. He stood up with a wince and limped his way towards the other two boys. Yoongi held his hands out for the younger one and grabbed his arms when he got closer to him, pulling him next to him.

The three of them walked a few meters away from the smoke before Yoongi made Hoseok sit down on one of the fallen equipment boxes. "Let me look at the burn wound Hobi" he said, and waited for a response before he continued. The dancer bit his lip but nodded anyways. With gentle hands he peeled away the pieces of fabric around the wound and winced when he saw a burn with the size of a handpalm on his right thigh. The skin was intense red with blisters, and Yoongi could only imagine the pain the younger one was feeling.

"I fell on one of the pipes" Hoseok explained how he got hurt. The older one nodded "It looks bad, it must hurt like hell. I'm sorry Hobi, I wish I could do something to help you"

"It's okay hyung, it doesn't hurt that much if I don't touch it" the dancer tried to reassure, but he didn't look convinced since tears where still falling from his eyes. Yoongi moved his hands on the boy's shoulder and gave him a gentle comforting squeeze in return.

Hoseok then looked at the others with a serious look. "What about you, are you hurt?"

Yoongi shook his head "I only have bruises, nothing a little rest won't fix". The older one then turned towards Namjoon, who had remained silent since then had found Hoseok. The boy was staring at the burn on the dancer's leg, clearly lost in his own thoughts.

"Joonie? Hey, what's wrong?" Yoongi waved one of his hands in front of the leader's face, trying to get his attention.

"Huh, sorry, what did you say?" Namjoon said when he snapped out of his thoughts.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're unusually quiet" the older one frowned, and unconsciously scanned the boy's body with his eyes, looking for other injuries.

"Yeah I'm fine, just spaced out" the 94-liner responded, giving Yoongi a dimple smile.

"What happened?" Hoseok then asked, trying to change the subject since it was becoming awkward. Yoongi turned around and sighed "I don't know Hobi. I remembered hearing a small bang and then a louder bang when the floor collapsed"

"Yeah that's what I remember as well, do you think it has anything to do with the broken lift?" the dancer replied.

"I am not sure, I don't have a good feeling about this though..." the oldest one said with a stern look. Next to him stood Namjoon who was becoming restless. The boy couldn't stand still and was looking around as he expected something or someone to show up. Hoseok looked at him with a frown "Namjoon?"

"We should find the others, they must be close" the leader dogged the question and concern from the others, and before they could respond, he started to walk away.

"What's wrong with him?" Hoseok whispered to Yoongi. The older one shrugged "I don't know, he is like this when he found me"

"Hmm, we should keep an eye on him" the dancer said before standing up. Yoongi nodded and wrapped his arm around the boy's waist to help him stand up and together they followed Namjoon.

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