Childhood memories

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Waking up, Merlin smiled at the sight of his best friend. Will had been allowed to stay for the night. Usually this wasn't allowed but for tonight it was okay.

Jumping up, he could already smell some of his favourite foods. "Will! Wake up! It's my birthday!"

In response Will groaned into his pillow but pulled himself from out of the sheets anyway. Merlin didn't notice, he was already beside Hunith.

"Good morning birthday boy!"

Merlin started jumping happily. "I'm turning nine!"

By this time Will had made his way to the kitchen and slumped onto a chair. He groaned again. This time it sounded slightly more like a language. It was something about mornings and silence.

Hunith fed the excited boy, and the sleepy one before sending them out the door to school.

As usual the everyone except Will avoided Merlin. This wouldn't bring Merlin down on his birthday. He was nine! The teachers briefly congratulated him before continuing on. Merlin beamed at the acknowledgment.

On his way out, he was still smiling.

A fist flew at Merlin's face, and suddenly the smile was gone. "Don't think you're suddenly special because it's your birthday. You're still a freak."

"And you've still got an ugly nose Tarwyn," Merlin shot back.

Tarwyn gaped at him for a moment before clocking his arm back. Exactly as Merlin had expected, in this time he bolted out of arms reach and headed home.

There Merlin told Hunith of what had happened, and how he hadn't used his magic this time. Hunith rewarded him with a hug.
Laying in bed, she told him a bedtime story about a kind dragon lord hunted for being who he was, so he had to hide.

It wasn't the best birthday Merlin had, but it wasn't the worst.


Morgana watched the festival with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. It was all in her honour. Despite this, she couldn't help but feel like she didn't belong. Arthur was playing with some of the nobles kids, Uther told a joke that made the tables roar with laughter, and Morgana was stuck alone in a chair watching the heaters try to make her laugh.

The exact same thing had happened last year. The same jesters, the same routines, the same feeling of loneliness that seemed to follow her.

Nobody had asked her what she'd wanted for her ninth birthday so they showered her in gifts she didn't want. Silky soft dresses. More food then she could ever hope to eat.

What she had wanted was time alone with Arthur and Uther. Her family. Sometimes Morgana wondered if they even cared about her. They certainly didn't understand her. Sending her off with maids, and servants to care for her, Uther didn't have to worry about her well-being.

Arthur annoyed her but he was family. Once they'd been best friends but then he'd decided playing swords with the noble boys was more fun. Then Arthur had started pranking her as well. It left her feeling more alone.

As the fire came out of the jesters mouth towards her face, she didn't even flinch. It was all the same as last year.

Except she felt more alone.


Hurrying back with the apples he'd just picked from his parents orchard, Gwaine nearly tripped over a tree root. Soon he regained his former confidence and was nearly running. It was kind of a careful half jog to keep the apples in the basket from falling.

The trip back always felt the longest. The excitement at what was to come grew with every step.

"Gwaine, there you are! Did you bring me the best apples you could find?"

"Yes Grandma!" Carefully the apples were placed on the table.

His Grandma Ozna smiled at him. "How's it feel to be turning nine?"

"Like I'm ready for apple pie!"

She passed him the dough and a roller. "We better get to it then haven't we?" She asked as she sat down to cut the apples.

Gwaine had gotten quite good at flattening the dough, and placing it in the pan. Then grandma Ozna would step in to cut the edges, place the apples inside before it got passed back to Gwaine. Laying out the delicate pattern he'd learned to do for his mothers birthday pie, his grandmother watched with a smile at his furrowed brows. The most difficult part was still to come.

When that was done, the pie was placed in their oven to cook.  Now the difficult part. The wait.

There was an extra apple that Gwaine was quick to claim. When he'd nearly finished, his father came in with a smile.

"Happy birthday buddy! I got you the best apple in the orchard! An apple that can grant wishes! When you eat it fully!"

After running around the orchard he was happy to have another. Gwaine was quite hungry. Munching it down he heard his father telling grandma Ozna that he was able to pay rent this month. The prices had been rising.

"That was the best apple dad!" Hearing Gwaine shout this out a smile on his fathers face.

"The pie is ready!" Gwaine bolted over.

In truth he loved his grandmothers pie but he loved seeing his family smile more. If him being happy over an apple made his dad smile, it would become his favourite thing. Plus they tasted amazing.

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