Merlin's first Master.

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Awesome Chapter idea came from _YellowFighter_

Possible Trigger warning

Does anyone else give names you hate to characters you dont like? Or is that just me?

Five years. Merlin had been working for Arthur for five whole years. The time was flying by. Although he would never admit it, Merlin was enjoying himself.

He still remembered the day he got his job. When Arthur looked him in the eye after Uther's 'reward', Merlin had been panic-stricken. Although Gaius' reassurances had helped calm the fear slightly.

The next day outside of Arthur's chambers Merlin had nearly started hyperventilating, but Gaius' words were soothing enough for him to stop. Just a few days before Arthur had fought him rather mercilessly. The only reason Merlin hadn't been seriously injured was his magic. So of course he was frightened. Arthur seemed like a violent person.

Hunith had been extremely worried about Merlin when she found out about his new job in Camelot. With stuff that happened in the past, and his magic, it just didn't seem like a good idea. Somehow Gaius had persuaded her too. As long as Gaius took care of Merlin, and Merlin was happy, then she was okay with it.

Over the years there were a lot of close calls. Someone would almost die, something would almost kill everyone in the kingdom, or almost take over the kingdom. There were also a lot of deaths, good memories turned sad, and tragedies.

At the moment, the castle was buzzing with activity. Some nobles from a neighboring ally kingdom were forced out of their homes. They'd fled to Camelot. They were only planning on staying for a week before they had enough materials to travel back to their own kingdom. At least that's what rumours told. No one had any idea which kingdom it was though.

A maid had been explaining the gory details she'd heard from Anthony the stable hand, when he walked in... Edgar.

He strutted in with confidence and arrogance. Somehow he seemed kind and noble when you didn't know him. It was strange seeing him this way.

That was until he saw Merlin. A smirk befell his face. It brought back memories for Merlin. Quickly he raced to a place where Edgar couldn't talk to him. Arthur's room.

Shaking, he fell to the floor beside the door. Apparently when he came in, he didn't even notice Arthur sitting at his desk.

"What's wrong Merlin?" Arthur asked as he rushed to his friends side. Merlin had jumped at the sound of Arthur's voice. Seeing it was only Arthur had calmed him slightly.

"N-n-no-th-ing," Merlin stuttered obviously lying.

"Merlin, you can tell me." Arthur extended his arm to place it on Merlin's back in an attempt to calm and comfort him. When Merlin flinched away from his extended arm, Arthur knew there was something seriously wrong. "Merlin?"

Merlin took a deep breath. "Ye-yes Si-re?"

"Tell me whats wrong," Arthur demanded.

"It's not- not your prob-lem, I shouldn't- shouldn't have come- have come here." Merlin tried to stand to leave, but he was shaking too much. Falling made Merlin begin to panic even more. When Arthur caught him, his eyes went wide and his thoughts about Edgar would not stop.

Breathing bacame difficult for him as Arthur's feet were shuffling in front of him. Arthur's loud demanding shouts to guards didn't help. All Merlin wanted to do was stay curled up in a ball by himself for a while. No matter how scared he was, he had to keep breathing. In... Out.... In... Out.... In.... Merlin kept focused on his breathing.

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