issues with ages, and a scolding. part 2

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On the way, Merlin's curiosity got the best of him, and he began to ask about Camelot. If he was going, it was good to be prepared. The way that Arthur explained it made it sound like the best place in the world. Merlin decided Arthur was rather biased due to the fact that he lived there. Others might disagree with what Arthur said.

After a long ride, they'd made it to Camelot. Instead of the usual awestruck look that usually fell on newcomers faces, Merlin was rather expressionless.

Multiple times on the ride back, Arthur had noticed how nervous Merlin seemed. Even now, in his thirteen year old state, Arthur found him incredibly difficult to read. Despite this, Merlin wore a look in his eye that he usually had if there was a high possibility of dying. Although, he had no idea why Merlin would be so terrified. Camelot had a fairly good reputation back when Merlin was actually thirteen. Arthur brushed it off when he remembered that he'd just gotten the news that his mother was deceased. That was most likely what the terrified looks were for.

Walking through Camelot, Merlin seemed to assess everything as if his life depended on it. Arthur decided to brush it off again. Thirteen year old Merlin was very different from the one Arthur knew.

Leon strutted over. (For whatever reason, I imagined Leon strutting over like a model, to the two of them on horse back, and I thought I'd share.) "Sire, it's lovely to have you back, but where's Merlin? Not sure if we can survive your attitude without him," Leon joked with an underlying part of seriousness.

"He's right here." Arthur then indicated to the warlock beside him. "A sorcerer got to him, and made him thirteen. He doesn't remember anything that's happened, only what he knew as a thirteen year old. Please alert Gaius immediately Leon."

Leon looked over to Merlin with his eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets. "Merlin?" He asked.

"Umm... hi?"

"Oh my word!" He spoke breathlessly and stumbled towards the physicians chambers.

In the distance Leon thought to himself, I hope Gwaine doesn't hear about this. That'll be chaos!

Unfortunately for Leon, he was right. When Gwaine did hear about it... it wasn't just chaos. It was mass destruction.

(I over exaggerated. Or maybe I wasn't... read further to find out...)


When Gaius saw Merlin, he began to limp around his chambers faster than Arthur had ever seen him go. Grabbing books, reading the covers, putting some back, and making a collection of books that he thought could be beneficial to the issue.

That was basically all they did for a few days. Eat, study, sleep, and repeat.

Then Merlin began to get restless and annoying. So Arthur brought in Gwaine, and asked him to watch Merlin.

That... was a mistake.

The two wreaked havoc around the castle. They tied guards shoelaces together, splashed people who were asleep with water, scared people and many more. They did many terrible things together. Weirdly enough, Gwaine was smart about all of them and attempted to make sure they didn't getting trouble.

With no real evidence... Arthur couldn't blame Gwaine.

One day, Gwaine was feeling rather devious. The poor boy who had just learned his only parent was dead, needed some cheering up. So Gwaine got everything set up.

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