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It's been a while, so I quickly made a chapter. Hope it doesn't have too many typos considering the fact that this was written really late. Enjoy Merlinians.

At the moment, Merlin was rather confused. He wasn't sure what to do. In fact, this was the first time he'd ever seen Arthur cry. Well it was more like, full on sobbing into Merlin's shirt, but either way he still had no idea what to do. So for now he simply held Arthur to comfort him, and went over the events that led to this situation.


"Merlin, we're going on s hunting trip. Be prepared to leave tomorrow at dawn,'' Arthur had demanded.

When was Arthur going to learn that hunting trips were a bad idea? By the way things were going, the answer seemed to be 'never'.

So Merlin had worked extra time to prepare for the trip, causing him to not get much sleep. Lately sleep had been limited for Merlin as it was. Between nightmares, Arthur's chores, and attempting to save Arthur all the time, he never really got much shut eye.

Exhausted, Merlin had been forced to go on yet another hunting trip. It had been going fairly well, but then they'd stumbled across a strange object in the middle of a field. Of course Arthur was curious about it, so he'd dismounted his appaloosa mare.

Coming closer Merlin realized it emitted a magical energy, and it also seemed to be glowing. Arthur seemed captivated by the beauty of the jem.

The jem was a marbled blue with silver, shaped into a heart the size of an adult swine. The thing had a certain look to it that made you just want to feel it. Once closer, Merlin could see the silver was a bunch of runes carved into it. He recognized them from a few magic books he'd read. The stone said, 'Fear is all that this stone brings. Beauty is what pulls you in. It can show you many things. Most are plagued with the vision of lost kin.' There was more leading to the bottom, but he coukd not see it at the moment.

While Merlin had been admiring the stone, Arthur had been moving toward it. "Arthur wait!" Too late. Arthur had touched it and been pulled into the stone. Definitely magical. Merlin had thought to himself before he raced to the stone. Soon he was being pulled in too.

Merlin had seen Arthur surrounded by people for a moment, until he'd beem surrounded by a rather large group of people.

Seeing everyone who was there, Merlin nearly started crying. There was Freya, Will, His father, nd so many other friends he'd lost. Slowly he felt himself being pulled into sorrow, and sadness. There were so many people gone... All because of him...

Something had pulled Merlin out of his reverie though. Loud, heart wrenching sobs. Arthur.

Pushing himself through the crowds, he came to Arthur who was in a ball sobbing and picked him up. (He used a little magic to pick him up of course) There were a lot of familiar faces in Arthur's group. Like Uther, Ygraine, Agravaine, Morgana and more. There were a few that Merlin didn't recognize too, but that didn't matter right now. What mattered was Getting out of this horrid jem thingy.

Looking around Merlin found a ruin that said 'exit'. Well that was easy enough.

So that was how they ended up leaning on a tree, with a sobbing Arthur in Merlin's arms.

"It's okay Arthur. It's okay. They've moved on, and are in a better place."

"Tha- that's not- not w-hy I'm crying y-ou idiot! Its- it's because I heard-heard y-ou say that- that," Arthur burst into sobs again before continuing, "you hated- hated me, and y-ou quit."

At this point Merlin realized just how much he meant to Arthur. In a place filled with people he'd lost, the worst thing was hearing Merlin say that he hated him.

"Don't worry, I don't hate you, and I sure didn't quit. I'm still here aren't I?" When Arthur nodded Merlin continued, "It was just that stupid rock. How about we leave this place and he a back to the castle?"

Arthur nodded and slowly moved out of Merlin's arms. Both of them missed the embrace, but neither said anything. A prince and his manservant could never be together after all, so the most they could do is be there for each other. They were always there for each other.


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