wanna play a game?

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Just a quick update. I have no idea where I'm going with this. I just have an idea to start off with, and the rest is unplanned. Inspired by Grown ups. I don't remember which one though.

"Hey guys wanna play a game?" Gwaine asked in a cheeky tone.

The group of knights had just been on a two week trip, and were setting up a place to sleep before their last day ride to Camelot. Everyone here was exhausted and not in the mood for games. They'd searched for a place to set up far too long. Here in the middle of a small meadow, Gwaine asked if they wanted to play a game. Gwaine knew the answer he was bound to get but asked anyways

There was a murmur of 'no', before they continued what they were doing.

"C'mon guys, just one game, and I'll take watch for half the night."

Now there were a few glares being thrown at Gwaine.

"It'll be fun!"

One of the knights spoke up, "you're not going to shut up until we play are you?"

"Nope," he popped the 'p' as he answered.

A few groans came before there were a few people muttering "fine."

Gwaine's smirk grew to a large, cheeky smile. That wasn't a good sign.

"It's simple. Just try not to get hit. If you get hit, you lose."

The knights looked around curiously. What was he talking about?

Suddenly Gwaine pulled out a bow and an arrow. A few of the knights shrieked loudly and began running. They were definitely right to, because the next thing everyone else knew, Gwaine had shot it straight up into the air.

Everybody bolted off, cursing at Gwaine. Up to him to want to play Cendred's roulette. (I'm assuming Russia was not real back then)

By the time the arrow came back down, everyone was far away or had taken cover under random objects. Nobody felt like getting hit by an arrow.

Unfortunately, one person was not hiding. In fact, they hadn't even heard about the game or noticed what was happening. This person had a worse week then everyone else, and he was lucky enough to get hit in the foot by an arrow that he hadn't even known was being shot into the sky by Gwaine.


Poor warlock. Gasping with shock as something flew straight in front of him. This something hit his foot, and created immense pain. There were profanities shouted.

Soon the knights realized someone had been hit by the arrow and came out of hiding. When Arthur and Gwaine noticed who it was, they began to panic.

Percival on the other hand knew what to do. He grabbed pain medication, and bandages from a bag Merlin had packed. After he gave Merlin the pain medicaton, he wrapped the bandages around the arrow to stop bleeding. Taking it out would cause it to bleed profusely, and they didn't want him to die of blood loss before they got back to Camelot.

Gwaine was beside Merlin whispering "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" repeating himself for a long time.

The only thing they could do was keep Merlin comfortable until they left tomorrow morning. It was far too dangerous to travel at night.

So that was how Merlin's bedroll was put next to Arthur and Percival.

Merlin abruptly fell asleep due to exhaustion, pain, and sleeping medication that Percival had given him.

Unluckily, Merlin suffered from nightmares. Being a light sleeper helped there. He could keep the nightmares at bay, and keep anyone from finding out. Despite this, he was no stranger to nightmares. He often still had them. With a sleeping medication, he was unable to wake, and left with his fears. Tonight's nightmare consisted of Arthur finding out about Merlin's magic, and trying to kill him.

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