1. Somebody Else

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'Ah! That's better' I muttered under my breath quietly as I stretched out my legs and arms slowly after waking up. It was a sunny yet slightly crisp morning at the start of September, and today wasn't a normal day for me, it was my favourite day of the year, a music festival that takes place locally every year and I always attend. This one was going to be special though, as it hadn't happened the previous 2 years due to a pandemic. 

'CASSIE!?' Shouted Matty, there was a pause...'When do you want dropping off at the Festival?!'

Matty was Cassie's Fiancé of ten years, partner in crime, and best friend all in one. Over six foot tall, dark haired, tattooed and handsome.

'I don't know really, Brad and Rachel want a lift too, is that okay? It's fine if not, honestly'.
Brad and Rachel were a handful to be around, but they'd been Matty and Cassie's friends for a long time now.

'No worries' said Matty - things like that were never really an issue for him, even though Matty wasn't going, it wasn't really his thing despite being in a band and playing shows himself.

I headed downstairs to make a coffee, I needed it today, and I knew I'd be making a second one shortly after.

'What have you got planned for today then?' I asked Matty as I went to take my first sip of coffee.

'Nothing much, I'm going to hang out with Joe I think, but I'm not sure what we're doing yet'.
Joe is the lead singer of the band that Matty plays drums for, and is a very close friend of ours.

'I'm sure you guys will have a good day whatever you do' I replied.

It went quiet for a bit longer than it should, after all we'd been together for ten years and the conversations were getting more and more minimal by the day and Matty was constantly on his phone.

'I'm going to get ready', I said as I stood up from the sofa and continued sipping my coffee, there was no answer, and far too many times I felt like I was just talking to myself.

I walked upstairs slowly and my phone began to ring, it was Brad.
'HEY HEY HEYYYY TODAY IS THE DAY WHAT'S HAPPENING?!' He was always loud but this was excited Brad, and 'I'm 3 beers down' by 10am Brad, today was going to be eventful.

'I'm about to get ready, Matty and I will be there to get you both for 11:30 is that okay?'. Brad was more than okay with that plan, after all, it meant no driving and no absurd Taxi prices for him.

I'd added fresh red and orange colour to my hair the night before especially, I loved the way the red faded to orange throughout my hair, I'd always done it myself and loved the outcome. I then found a nice black dress with a little pink butterfly on the front, a leather jacket and my slip -on Vans. The make up is what took me longest.

We got to the festival and the moment we pulled up to the main entrance, the excitement kicked in.

'Bye Matty, thank you!' Said Brad and Rachel as they got out of the car and started pulling out the cans of drink they bought with them to have on the walk up to the site.

'Thank you so much, I've got my phone on me and although the signal is terrible there, I'll message you when I can' I said to Matty before giving him a kiss and a hug.

'Have a great time and be safe' he replied, we both said I Love You and I headed off towards the main entrance.

The day was amazing, better than I ever remembered! I was tipsy for most of the day but then Brad decided to keep buying shots and we all ended up more drunk than planned towards the end of it. I saw some old faces that I tend to only bump into at gigs and festivals, and I got to see some of my favourite bands, the sun was shining and I took probably one too many videos of me and Rachel just walking along and having a great time. The day was perfect.

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