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"H..." I blurted out and quickly went to the shelf to pick up the red camcorder i still have with me. "I need to be alone for a minute." I turned to Phoenix with the camers in my hand, turning it on.

"You okay?" She asks.

"Yeah- Yeah." I quickly nodded.

"Okay! Call for help if you need me. I'll be at home." She stepped out into the hallway and shut the door behind her to leave me completely alone in my bedroom.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and went straight to the gallery as soon as it turned on. Somehow that one video I made was gone and there was only one other video I haven't seen before by the thumbnail. That must be the one Unknown wants to show me.

Did someone come in here and with mess with the drive?

I take a deep breath, ignoring the question and start the video before I turn off the lamp beside me to see the video better.

At the start of the video, it was like a bright memory I was looking at. A little too bright until the camera focus.

There was a woman with beautiful dark curly hair on a sunny day and she was laughing as a Golden Retriever jumps on her. I can tell she's at a field of fresh green grass and flowers. A peaceful place. The camera was placed on something so it doesn't really look like someone was recording her. I couldn't see her face a much.

There was a little girl and a little boy running around as well, "Mum!" The little boy calls and she turned around when the little boy ran up to her, into her arms. "I want to stay here. Forever." The boy spoke again and the sister came by and joined in the hug. "Me too... Harry... me too." The mother says back to him, calmly, but I can tell that moment didn't last forever like he thought it would.

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