I'm Trying To Make Us 3

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She always thought she'd be the first to have children. Blossom and Brick would've been too busy with their careers to have a child. They had a girl named Bailey who was just as smart as they were but just as bubbly as, well, Bubbles. Buttercup and Butch had a son named Bruce who was as tough as they were but smart like his aunt and uncle. Bubbles thought they would've been last to have children since they were last for everything else. Blossom got married first, then herself, and lastly Buttercup. She was always in the middle and she thought having children would've shifted her position. Just not to last place.

This wasn't a competition, she knew that, but why was it so hard for them to have a baby? They were the sweetest, kindest, happiest of all six. They would make great parents. Why wouldn't the universe let them have this? Did they do something wrong or make the universe angry? All they wanted was a baby. She wanted what her sisters had and she knew Boomer wanted what his brothers had.

"Is it done?" Boomer asked as Bubbles left the bathroom.

"It takes a few minutes to finish," She explained.

"Oh. Okay, we could do something else while we wait so it doesn't feel like forever."

"Like what?"

"Like," He thought as he looked around their apartment for ideas. He spotted the bedroom and smirked, "Like try to have a baby."

She giggled, "You wanna have sex to get me pregnant while we wait for a test to tell us if I'm pregnant?"

"Well if this one comes out negative we know you can take another in a week."

"Hmm, tempting but no," She smiled.

"Okay," He shrugged, "Wanna go eat leftovers?"

"The second best thing you love. Food."

"Ah, yes! But you seem to love it second best to sex too," He said as he pulled her into their kitchen. He heated up some soup from the day before while Bubbles made grilled cheese sandwiches to dip into it. He rummaged through the drawers for spoons but couldn't find any. Bubbles sighed and opened one of the cabinets, finding them right away.

"What if there's something wrong with me?" She questioned shortly after they started eating.

"There's nothing wrong with you, Bubbles. If either one of us is at fault for not being able to have a baby it's me. I'm the bad seed."

"You're not a bad seed, Boomer," She comforted him.

He never thought he was good enough. Ever since they were kids, his brothers called him stupid and made fun of him. Bubbles felt bad for him and she wanted to hug him. But he was the enemy and she couldn't pity him. She hated herself for never hugging him when they were little. Maybe if he knew back then that she had cared about him he wouldn't get sad like this. He has changed so much since they became friends. He changed for her and she couldn't even give him the only thing he wanted in return; A child.

"Boomer?" She stirred the soup with her spoon.

"Yeah?" His voice was muffled from all the food stuffed into his mouth.

"Let's say there is something wrong with us-"

"Bubbles," He sighed.

"Just listen. If there's something wrong with us and we can't have our own kids, we could adopt, right?"

He swallowed his food and spoke, "Of course we can! I'd love 'em just as much as any biological kids we would have!"


"Really!" He assured her, "We can adopt a baby or even older kids!"

"If they're older we could take them to karate lessons so they can beat up Bruce. Buttercup and Butch would be so mad!" Bubbles exclaimed.

"And we'd show off their achievements like Brick and Blossom do with Bailey! I can practically hear Blossom trying to one up us as we speak," He chuckled.

Bubbles took in the clearness of his blue eyes as he grinned at her. Boomer wanted someone to play with. Someone he could give all his love to and raise up better than he had been. He wanted everyone to know that he could do something right. She thought he would be a wonderful dad. He would teach their daughter or son right from wrong. He'd protect them with his life just like he protected Bubbles. Even if they couldn't have children, she would love him anyway. She would always love him regardless if they had kids or not.

"It's been 15 minutes. You think it's done?"

"I'll go get it," She walked out of the kitchen. She entered the bathroom cautiously, worried that the test would come out negative again. She picked up the stick and read the results. She felt tears welling up in her eyes. They were streaming down her face by the time she reached Boomer.

"Oh, Bubbles," He looked apologetically sad. Her smile spread from ear to ear and she laughed. He gave her a puzzled look.

"It's positive!" She laughed.

"What? It is?!" Boomer reached for the stick in her hand and saw the two pink lines on it. His mouth parted into a smile as wide as her's.

"We're having a baby!" Bubbles cheered.

"You're preg- We're having a baby!" He embraced her and spun around, "We're gonna have a kid!" She laughed along with him. They were both crying when he stopped and just held her.

"We're having a baby," Bubbles whispered. They'd been trying to make their two into three for years and it was finally happening.

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