He Still The 1- Final Chapter

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Buttercup stood in the crowd with her sisters and two thirds of the Rowdyruff Boys. They were watching her old band play with their new lead singer, Boomer. She focused on Mitch's bass playing and laughed to herself. She remembered how in love she used to be with that boy and how she had gotten him that bass guitar for his birthday. Buttercup loved that thing too.

When they finished playing she felt Bubbles leave her side and saw her floating over to the stage. She was going to find her boyfriend, no doubt. She looked around and spotted Blossom and the boys walking towards the exit. She casually walked through the crowd in no hurry to get out of there. She loved the feel of concerts. Even small ones like these.

"Hey," Someone said behind her. She turned to face them and saw the bass guitar before she saw their face.

"Mitch, hey," Buttercup parted her lips into a smile. It was something she had done often when they were together. She realized it still had the same affect on him when his face turned the color of Brick's hair.

"So," He began, "I was thinking, since we're in town, we could maybe get like a cup of coffee or something?"

"Oh, Mitch I don't think that's a good idea," Her voice trailed off as another person stood beside her.

"We're going to be outside, BC," He told her.

"Okay, Butch. I'll see you out there," She saw him eye Mitch and added, "It's fine."

"I'm sure it is," Butch smirked at him. A green glow surrounded his mitt as he aimed it at Mitch. He was always jealous and overprotective. Mitch looked from the flickering emerald fire to Buttercup, terrified and begging her for help.

"Butch," She cautioned, "Maybe you should go now. I'll be out in a little bit." He lowered his fist, kissed the top of her head, and disappeared in a blur.

"Whoa. He hasn't changed much has he?" Mitch chuckled.

"Not really no."

"So I'm guessing that's a no on the coffee?"

"Sorry, Mitch," She shrugged.

"You know I still love you," He admitted but he was right, she already knew.

"And you know that I love Butch." She felt an urge to apologize but she held it back. It wasn't her fault that he hasn't gotten over her. She had no reason to apologize to him for loving her or for not loving him back.

"He's kind of jerk. I mean compared to Bubbles or Blossom, you were never that nice either but he's just... Mean."

"He's a jerk, yeah, but he's still-"

"The one?" Mitch finished with a sad grin. She nodded in response to him. Butch was the one. Always has been, always will be. Mitch and everyone else, along with Buttercup, had no idea why things had ended up like this but she would never changed anything about them.

"Yo, Buttercup!" They both looked towards the exit to see Butch leaning on a wall.

"I gotta go. We're going out to eat with my sisters and his brothers, you know, because Boomer will be leaving again soon."

"Yeah," He sighed, "Yeah. I guess I'll see you around, Buttercup. I hope we can be friends one day."

"We are friends, Mitch."

After a quick hug and goodbye, she flew over to Butch. He grinned when she reached him and took her hand in his, "I can't believe you used to date that guy."

"I can't believe I'm dating you!"

"What? I thought I was the one?" He laughed. She smacked the back of his head. He wasn't supposed to hear that. How did she forget about super hearing?

"Buttercup," Butch whispered, "You're the one."

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