Chapter 8: Tracking The Nest

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"Ahh how could we lose him," the warden asked.

"Someone was in the facility working as an undercover agent, something was up," I explained while I grunted.

"Jennie stay still, you have a lot of bruises from the truck flip," Foxtrot said.

After the rocket launcher exploded and flipped me over. I had a lot of scared all over my body. My face was bloody and my leg, it felt numb.

"Fuck," the warden got angry and stormed out of the room.

Meanwhile Foxtrot and I were in the room figuring out our next move.

"Where do you think he might've went," Foxtrot asked.

"I don't know, scanners say he's not in the city anymore, he could be anywhere at this point," I said.

"Well you must have a lead, something," Foxtrot asked.

I shook my head.

"Come on Jennie, you really don't have anything. You usually have all the answers," Foxtrot said.

"Well we could investigate the cell," I said and we went down to the cell.

Foxtrot and I were at cell X. All the sensors were dead and the force field that held the cellmate were not functional anymore.

"Okay, this is where they broke out," I said.

"The cameras were out," Foxtrot said.

As I looked closely at the cell, I stepped inside and took a close look at it.

"Wait that's impossible, anyone couldn't break out even from the outside," I said. "Unless it was from the inside."

"What do you mean," Foxtrot asked.

"Someone helped Jungkook break out," I said.

"What's that," Foxtrot pointed to the ground.

On the floor was a little taser, broken.

"This was it, this was the tool to get Jungkook out of the cell," I said.

That's when I looked at the label.

"Hey look it says G-Tools," Foxtrot said.

"I thought they went of business," I said.

"Yeah the nearest facility of G-Tools is far away, beyond the city limits," Foxtrot said.

The facility, that's it.

"I know where they are, let's go," I said.

"Jennie you need to stay here and recover," Foxtrot said.

"Forget it, let's go," and we left.


"Jungkook, where's my father," Hope said. "Where is he."

"Sorry Hope, your father is dead," I said

"Oh, okay," Hope was able to stand up.

"Easy girl, rest up," I said. "You've been in there for a long time."

"Okay can someone explain what's going on here," Jimin was beyond confused.

"I'll explain everything," I said.

The three of us all went to the table and we sat around, telling Jimin everything.

"The last thing I remember before the brainwashing was being taken in by Hunter. Hunter wanted two blackbirds me and Hope," I said. "It's sick, a man teaching his own daughter how to become a mercenary."

"So how come we only got one blackbird," Jimin asked.

"We gone on a mission, a hit on someone," I said. "We we're close to getting done, but Hope didn't have the power to kill the person. That's when Hunter's men took us and we saw him get shot in the head."

"So what happens after that," Jimin asked.

"You don't want to know," I said.

"Please you've told this much already," Jimin begged.

I looked at Hope. The both of us didn't like talking about this but she gave me a nod.

"Hunter beat Hope," I said. "Said that he was ashamed that Hope was his daughter. After that Hope was put into a chamber and shipped away to one of his islands. For me, that's when I got brainwashed. The rest it history."

Jimin looked down thinking while I brought in Hope and held my arm around her.

"That's sick," Jimin said.

"Hope we need to get you off this island," I said.

"But where will we go," Hope asked.

"Somewhere far away, we'll go together," I said.

"We need to get off the island now. I know why there was tech here. Theres a whole base sitting right here," Jimin said.

Once Hope was stable enough we went outside and walked back.

"Shit, it's night time already," Jimin said. "We need to camp out for a night, we head back to the beach tomorrow morning."

We set our things down and set up camp for the night. Two tents, and I will be sharing one with Hope.

"Rest up Hope, you need it," I said and she went in her tent.

2 A.M

It was two in the morning and I woke up to this beeping noise. Quietly I left my tent and looked outside. It was this flashing light going down and eventually I caught it.

"What the hell is this," I said.

Just then it began releasing this air. Inhaling made my face sting, I realized what it was.

"Tear gas," I said and dropped the canister.

More of them kept falling and I had to wake up Jimin and Hope.


The both of them left the tents and grabbed our stuff and ran. In the air I saw helicopter flying in. One shiny light down on the island. The other have a microphone.


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