Chapter 20: Doomsday Pt. 2

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I was back in France, wanting to meet Ms. Dupont again, I haven't seen her in years. As I was entering the girls home, everything was different. Blood everyone and not one girl on sight. Most of the staff had died from their wounds. As I walked around the corner, I saw man holding a knife. Ms. Dupont on the ground.

"Please, don't hurt me," she cried out.

With no hesitation, I witnessed as she got stabbed in the heart, and blood coming out of her mouth.

"NO!!!!" I screamed.

The man turns around and I see him having a Raven mask on. He escaped the girls home out of the window, never to be seen again.

"Ms Dupont," I ran up to her.

"Hey, whose that," she said so weakly.

I brought into my arms, holding her head in my hand.

"It's me Jennie," I said.

"Jennie, oh my you've grown," Ms. Dupont said as she held my face.

Tears began to come out of my eyes..

"Hey I promised you I'd see you again," I teared.

I held her hand until she began to fade. Her hand losing grip of mine, and I began crying in her shoulder.



"Guys we're nearing Caruso," RM said.

We saw what was going down there. It was a warzone with agents being killed every second.

"No," Hope mumbled.

Once we landed in a safe spot, we got our weapons out and opened up the copter door. RM and Jimin rushed out with their mask on. Hope and I stayed with me for a bit.

"Jungkook, what if we don't make it," Hope said to me.

"Remember what Jimin said, not until we finish the mission," I said.

"I know it's just that, I don't want to lose you again," Hope said.

"I promised you that I will find you a safe place. I'll be here after the fight," I replied.

About to head out, Hope held on and kissed me on the lips. Her arms wrapping around my neck as we bumped foreheads.

BLACKBIRD IN THE SWARM // JenkookWhere stories live. Discover now