toss and turn

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I wake up to see Val toss and turn. I had nothing but guilt cause I am the one who put her in this pain but I tell myself she had to have them extracted they where causing her unbearable pain. I know she has a long, hard and most definitely painful recovery ahead because she had some of the worse impactions I have ever seen. She most certainly have bruising on the sides of her jaw and severe swelling. I also haven't been completely honest with her about her not having to go back to my clinic for 6 months. While she was under before I performed oral surgery I gave her a extensive exam and she needs alot of work done specifically a major deep cleaning on her pre-molars and molars she has some of the worst plaque and calculus build up do to the fact she hasn't been brushing throughly at the back of her mouth. She also needs 2 root canals and 8 cavities that need to be fixed.

The next few days are gonna be very painful I may even have to take her back just to numb her cause seeing my beautiful wife in so much pain that I caused hurts my heart . I kiss her forhead and go to sleep

The next Day

Vals view
I am in so much pain I shake erica and start crying in her shoulders she pulls my face out from underneath her shirt and said princess I got to clean your sockets I try to talk but she put her finger to my mouth and Said no talking it causes pain my love. I uses sugar language and say baby food I am hungry

Baby Please Make The Pain StopWhere stories live. Discover now