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I woke up to a terrible pain in my mouth . I thought about it while erica was at work and I decided for our baby that I am going to tell her before dinner.  Dinner came around pretty fast which i was happy about because the pain became worst . Erica and I wanted to watch the flash and i knew that if I didn't tell her before the show started I wouldn't mention it so I said "love my mouth started to hurt today and it's got painful I was incredibly emotional because of my hormones so I start to cry. Erica cradled me and said love because you are pregnant the risks are worst and can effect our kiddo I'm going to call my friend who is a dentist and I'm taking you tomorrow morning and cause I know you hate that place that's why I'm going to go as your wife this time instead of the dentist. She sighs and said good and chuckles but then grabs her face and started to cry.

Erica's view
I called Jessica my best friend and says sooo vals pregnant and very emotional and told me her mouth started to hurt and it got increasingly worse so I am calling you to ask for a favor and she cut me off and first said yay I'm going to be a aunty (I promised her she would be the God mother of our kids ) and as for her in pain I will have my other coworkers do my case and just text or call me when she wakes up and I will prep . Don't wake her up tho because the pain normally will keep a pregnant woman up so let her sleep or I will slap you she starting g laughing saying only a joke. But knowing Val she with fight me especially with her hormones i will probably  need  you to hold her hands .  I say ok I will let you know tomorrow when she wakes up.

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