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; mention of blood,



The time passed by so fast,

It's been two months since I arrived here at the rivermoon pack. Two months but I trained alone. Compare to what Klaus said, the supposed training that I should learn from this race is somewhat, foolish.

I trained alone, the cold demeanor is what I get here. With the sharp glare from alphas and betas, omegas didn't dare to meet my eyes, their eyes focused on the ground every time I pass by.

The omega who was assigned to "serve" me refuse to tell me her name. Telling me that it was luna's order.

Waking up before the sun up, I run five laps around the pack ground. Ignoring the people around me, I can even hear some taunting laughter.

There was a time when I wanted to go down from Waya Mountain and just train myself at the house of my brother.

There is no progress, I don't even feel any changes anymore aside from the fact that my hearing became sensitive. I can hear whispers from a distance, footsteps on the deep side of the forest, the hissing arrow, the sound of heartbeats, and the unsheathing of the sword.

Only that, nothing else.

Running alone, I took a deep breath. Releasing some stress, I decided to take my training to the next level.

Sword or bows and arrows,

I just hope that I am allowed to partake a training for that kind of weapon since no one wants to talk to me here.

I walk towards the training ground and I saw one of the alphas stand up and walk toward me.

Glaring, alert, and with an unwelcoming stoic face.

"What do you want? " He asks and glances at the other warriors.

Everyone is alert,

I can feel their heavy breath as if they are facing an enemy,

"I just want to ask if I can use the training ground and other equipment here to train. " I ask directly as I stare at them with the same ferocity.

"You have guts! Huh? " He snickered.

I keep silent,

This is bullying, everything they show me, every word they say, every action is coercing.

I take a deep breath and decided to just stay away. I turn around to leave but two warriors block my way.

Grinning and eyes full of mischief. I know they are trouble.

"A puppy wants to run away, " another warrior said that making everyone laugh.

"Want to hide on your mommy's skirt? " Another one taunt.

Another set of taunting laughter echoed.

"Go get big brother, lycan! big brother, big brother... " The alpha who asked me earlier mimics the voice of a crying child.

Another chorus of laughter,

I can feel the back of my neck tighten, my heart beats faster, my hand clenching as I listen to their mockery.

"You are just handsome but not a warrior like us, why don't you go back to where you come from, and ask mommy for milk- " Everyone falls silent when the silver cross from my wooden stake penetrates the man's chest.

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