Chapter 25: Creating an opponent

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(Y/n)'s POV.

After we found another teleportation door, we followed a path up ahead and met up with a darkner that resembled a hammer. He spotted us. "Well, well. I am the smith Malius. I can fix anything. Weapons, armor... I can even fix you! Well, well, what will it be?" Kris tilted his head. "Fix... us?" Malius nodded. "Your body is a weapon, too. You must take care of it from time to time. Huh-Hah! Let's feel my technique!" Before we even knew what was happening, the Smith smashed all of us with his hammer head. I felt dizy by the sudden movements but once that passed, I felt surprisingly great. Somehow, I didn't feel tired anymore and the little scratches I had were gone. The same happened to Kris and Ralsei, who looked down at themselves in awe. "As fascinating as that was, I think I prefer your healing spells, Ralsei  hehe. No offense!" I said to Malius but he shook his head and said it was fine.

My eyes lid up as I recalled something. "Can you fix food too? Like a cake?" I asked, already rummaging around in my pocket for the broken cake I got from that distressed chef earlier. I pulled it out and unwrapped it, showing the damage to Malius. He leaned towards me to examine it as he let out a gasp. "Huh---! That cake is seething with energy! You must let me fix it!" He said excitedly. "I mean, if it's not to much trouble?" Ralsei mumbled. "Nonsense! Huh-Hah! Let's feel my technique!"

I laid the broken cake next to him and he almost immediately began his work. He beat the cake with his hammer like head with squiky sounds and apparently, that seemed to have worked. The once broken cake was fixed beyond recognition and we all stared at it in awe. "Well, this certainly will be useful..." I mumbled to my friends and they nodded. 'I have a feeling like this cake is going to be very useful! And I'm not just saying that because I can't wait to eat it! Looks delicious though...'

~timeksip because nothing really interesting happens for a while. But they did find 'Broken Key B' in a tressure chest~

We turned a corner and saw Lancer standing in front a bush, facing away from us. What concerned me though was that Susie was nowhere in sight. "Oh, woe! Woe is me...! Rows and rows of woes and woes! If only a hero would help..." The spade called out dramatically. "Lancer...? Is everything alright...?" Ralsei asked and I joined in. "And where is Susie?" Ralsei and I asked confused. But then, Lancer turned towards us, revealing that he had a fake mustage on his face. "Oh, I'm not Lancer! I'm just a sweet little boy!" He explained as if it was obvious. "Why does a sweet little boy have a mustage?" Ralsie alsed again. "As a disguise!"

I nearly lost it. I had to turn away from the scene and cover my mouth with my hands, hunchung over as I tried to keep it in but a few snorts still managed to get through my efforts. I heard a short breathly chuckle coming from Kris. "...You okay, doll?..."
I straightened myself and cleared my throat while dusting off my clothes, catching my composure. "I'm good, I'm good, hehe. Alright. Let's play along." I whispered to the two and made my way over to the 'sweet little boy'. "Don't worry, little boy! The heroes are here now! What kind of help do you need." I asked him, obviously acting but Lancer didn't catch on to that.

"You see, I have this EVIL PLAN I need to make..." He started, Ralsei interrupting him before he could continue. "... and why does a sweet boy need an evil plan?" He asked with an annoyed/neutral expression on his face. 'Poor Ralsei, hehe!'

"To impress his cool friend Susie!!!" Lancer answered, breaking character a little. Ralsei's face softened. "Guys, if it's for friendship..." He whispered. "Aww, Ralsei! You're an absolute angel!" I whispered back, hugging him and ruffling his hair under his hat. "(Y/n)! Stop it! Hehe!" He laughed.

Kris gave the two of us a smile but when I returned it, his suddenly fell. He looked like he remembered something before he turned away from us, hanging his head. 'The hell...? What's his problem all of a sudden?...' I continued to glance in Kris's direction but no matter what I tried, he refused to make eye contact with me. As that was happening, Ralsei turned back to the disguised Lancer. "Well then, we'll gladly help. What shall we do?" He alsed sweetly.

"It's all on the paper." Suddenly, a blueprint fell from who knows where and landed a couple feet away from us, we went over and looked at it. It said at the very top 'Create a Maschine to thrash your own ass'. "Just fill it with the most evil thing you can imagine! Ho ho ho! Let the clown-generated-content begin!"

There were a few options, so we settled that each of us would get to pick a part. After a few minutes, we ended up with a blue sword as a head, chosen by Kris, I wanted a purple duck body, since I thought it looked cute, and Ralsei picked green sporty shoes for the bottom. 'It's beautiful, a true work of art!' I silently praised our work. As Kris and Ralsei were making final adjustments, I heared a russle coming from the bush near us and I smirked.

I then turned back to 'the sweet little boy' and kneeled down. "You know.~ This Susie friend of yours, she sounds really cool.~ I sure you two are good friends.~" I said a bit louder than normal, knowing that a certain someone could hear it. There was a low growl coming from the bush and my smirk grew. "Oh totally! She's very cool! She teaches me all kinds of stuff and planing with her is so much fun! She's the best!" Lancer fell out of character again, excitedly jumping in place. Another startled russle from the bush but before I could take it further, Kris's monotone voice rang out behind me. "We're done..."

Lancer looked it over and seemed impressed. "Wow! Looks nasty! Are you sure you aren't evil!?"

"Err, no, I suppose we just have a knack for it." All of a sudden, Susie jumped out of the bush, sticks and leaves still stuck in her hair. "Haha, tricked you, idiots! NEVER do something someone else can do FOR you!" She exclaimed, looking over the blueprints aswell. "Hehehe, it's even kinda high-class lookin'!" Then she turned towards the little spade. "Anyway, great job, Lancer! They were sitting ducks!" Lancer seemed happy about the praise. "Hahaha, yes! And it's all thanks to our enemies! Thank you very much! Thrash you later!!" Susie grabbed the blueprint and the two ran off.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "These two... hehe!" Ralsei nodded. "It's nice Susie finally found a place she fits in... and she's getting along with Lancer, too! Don't you think so Kris?"

"I guess..." The boy mumbled, and I turned back towards him. He was still avoiding eye contact, keeping his gaze on the ground. His fists cletched at his sides. "Kris? Are you okay?" He didn't say anything, just giving a small hum to answer my question, then he walked passed us, taking the lead, still not locking eyes.

'What's up with him all of a sudden? Why is he acting like this? Is it something I said?'

~To be continued~


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