2. genius plan

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June 26  9.35PM

I woke up with a terrible headache. Damn. What happened last night?

I checked the time. 9.35. Okay thats not bad. Then i heard a knocking on my door. "Come in" i said.

" Morning Grace"

" Oliver" i said in a sleepy voice " Why did you came?

"Ohh nothing" he waved with his hand. " Just to ask why the hell did you kissed Rafe fucking Cameron?! I would have asked last night, but you were wasted."he asked angrily "But still Gree! Are you fuckin insane?!

" Wha- OH GOSH!"memories from last night flashed into my mind.

The kooks arrived, everyone got drank, i danced with Rafe, he kissed me, topper tried to drown John B, the yelling, fighting, JJ with the gun.

"wait wait wait, what happed with John B after the fight? Is he okay? " i asked confused.

" Kiara took him home, and i took you home" he said and i nodded. " But still, what the hell? Rafe? Seriously?

"Look trust me neither do i know what really happened between us. Guess we were both drank, he danced with me, and kissed me." i said " Believe me, if i was sober, i would never done that. He's just a prep ass."

" Yeah i know. I just don't want you to hooking up with a worm like him" he said honestly.

" Trust me, me neither" i laughed. " I hope no one saw us"

" Keep hoping, just half of the island was there." he said, and started to heading out.

" Urgghh" i buried my head into the pillow.

Later i took a shower. I put on a bikini, over that a denim short and tank top, plus my usual old dirty high-top converse. I ate breakfast with headache pill, what i found left on the counter. After that i started heading to John B's.

When i stepped in, there was a hella big silence. Guess they're still sleeping.

" Ohmm hello! Guys?"

I went to the kitchen. No one. Then i saw JJ sleeping on the couch. I walked next to him, leaned over his ear " MORNING!" I shouted. He was so surprised that he fell of the couch. " Hmm hey Gree, please tell me this is a dream, and come lay with me, my dear" he said still dreaming. " Come on! get up your ass!" i pushed his shoulder.

Then i went to John B's room and knocked " Come in" i heard a sleepy voice. I opened the door and saw him laying on his back, staring the ceiling. " Oh hi Gree" "Hello"i said "If you're got up, come out to the porch. I'll make coffe." i said and walk out the room.

" JJ, get up. Porch now."
" Okay Cayman commander" he whimped.

After that i made coffe, and the meanwhile Kie and Pope arrived too, so we sat on the porch, and talked about yesterday.


" So Topper tried to drown John B, because he said no one invited them? That's the fucking point" Pope said " And Ward keep raising the land's prices make people homeless? That's fucking nonsense!"

" Yeah, Leila was really sad last night" i said.

" Bro, we should totally take a revenge on the Cameron's gang!" JJ told us like his having a genius plan.

" I don't think that's a good idea" Kie shaked her head.

" Me neither. I mean, i work for Ward Cameron. He would kill me." John B said, agreeing with Kiara.

" Speaking of Cameron" Kie said, and turned to me. " You were making out with Rafe yesterday! What the hell is up with you!?"

i heard a big "WHAT" from the boys.

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