Rozdział 1

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(All events up to this point have run their course)

After the illusion breakfast.

Rayla: We need to deliver Zym to his mother.

Ezran: But Zym is still so tiny, he still has to learn to fly.

Lujanne: You seem to have a good relationship with this Dragon. Maybe you could teach him ?

Ezran: I could give it a try.

Callum: And I would like to learn something about moon magic here.

Lujanne looked at Callum with a thoughtful look on her face.

Lujanne: I could, to show you something.

Rayla: Hey, I thought you were on my side.

Callum: Just a few days, I'm not asking you for more.

Rayla: Eh well, just one day, one. This threat is serious, I'll stand on the lookout, all the rest have eyes on the ground. Just not you.

Rayla pointed her finger at Zym.

Rayla: You're the one to get off the ground.

Zmok whined in slight displeasure.

Lujanne leads Callum.

Callum: I don't believe I will learn magic from a real sorceress.

Lujanne: How do you know that I am real ?

Callum looks at, the sorceress thinking if she is real, Lujanne smiles at him.

Lujanne: Don't worry, I am.

Lujanne heads to the huge stones, Callum runs after her.

Lujanne: This is the moon circle, thousands of years ago when Xadia was one country, the ancient ancestors of the moon elves, performed rituals here.

Lujanne raised her hand and drew a rune.

Lujanne: Viverte story.

Callum looks at what's going on, seeing the lack of, any reaction saddened him, but suddenly figures began to appear.

Lujanne: Legend has it that they were able to use the power of the weave to open a portal and go to another world. A world between life and death.

Callum: But today it's just ruins, what happened ?

Lujanne: The Moon druids themselves destroyed the place when Xadia was divided. They decided that it would be safe to block this magical place.

Callum: This is so sad.

Lujanne: Since then, the weave has always been guarded by a guardian, a sorceress like me. It's my duty to make sure people don't find this place.

Callum: What will happen if people discover this place, you know them ? Will you kill them ?

Lujanne laughs at Callum.

Lujanne: Oh no why kill them, you can confuse them with magic tricks, demonstrate ?

Callum: probably not.

Lujanne goes first, followed breathlessly by Callum.

Lujanne: Although the primordial energy is everywhere, it can be weaker or stronger at different times. The ocean is strongest at high tide, the sky is strongest during a storm, the moon is strongest during a full moon. There are six places in this world where magic is purest and most powerful, such a place is called a weave.

Lujane and Callum go to the top of the abolition.

Lujanne: This is the moon weave, it reflects the moon perfectly. When the moon is full, its light completely fills the lake.

Callum: I love it, I love learning magic. I would like you to teach me some moon magic. You know, that kind of practical classes.

Lujanne: People don't do magic.

Callum: But I can.

Lujanne: So clear with the original stone, but well you destroyed it and now you're an ordinary person again.

Callum: But I know people who can do magic.

Lujanne: I wouldn't call these practices magic, it's cruelty. The only ones who can use magic are dragons, elves and flenimu.

Callum: That's not fair, after all I was good at something, a moment what are flenimu ?

Callum and Lujanne began to descend.

Lujanne: Not what, but who ? Flenimu were born from the union of a human and an elf, with traits of both. In the old days when Xadia was united, there were almost as many of them as elves, but today there are only a handful left.

Callum: And what do they look like and why have I never met any ? They are half human, I guess some should live here too ?

Lujanne: Your mother's name is Sarai, correct ?

Lujanne asked after thinking for quite a while, the question really puzzled Callum.

Callum: What ?... Yes ... moment how do you know my mother ?

Lujanne: Let's meet tonight at the plex before midnight, okay ?

Callum: Yes, but...

Lujanne: Then you'll find out everything. 

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