Rozdział 17

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Callum stood in shock, not knowing what to say.

Ibis: I know this is hard for you, but let me explain everything to you.

Callum: How could you make me.... How could you leave us ?

Callum began, dripping tears.

Callum: All my life I have wondered who my father is ?

Ibis: Please, let me explain myself.

Ibis was also dripping tears. Callum nodded his head.

I recommend reading with this in the background :)

Ibis: It all started when I met a woman who wanted to get to Xadia, she needed a certain flower for medicine for her sister. I do not know why, but I could not refuse her, despite the prohibition, I helped the human.

When I gave her the flower, far from the border in the human kingdom, on a beautiful hill, she said she would wait for me here tomorrow and did not take no for an answer, after that she left. I stood there in shock, not knowing what to do. My first thought was that it was a ruse to catch me, but something told me it wasn't a ruse.

I flew the next day to the same place. When I landed, I saw a blanket spread out and a woman sitting on it, the same woman I had met the day before. She quickly got up and came over to me, I remembered that last day I didn't even introduce myself, I told her who I was and she told me hers. Her name was Sarai.

Ibis again sweat a tear.

Ibis: The day flew by quickly, we didn't even notice when night fell. That day she said goodbye to me with a kiss.

Our feeling for each other germinated for months, until during a warm summer day, at sunset we professed our love for each other.

Unfortunately, everything beautiful comes to an end one day. The dragon king began to suspect something, because I began to neglect my duties, and with Sarai the same thing was happening.

It was not an easy decision, but I left her to protect her. For a relationship between an elf and a human, there is a death penalty, for everyone.

Ibis cried completely.

Ibis: When I left her, I didn't know she was pregnant, please forgive me Callum for not being there for you.

Callum came up and hugged Ibis.

Callum: I don't blame you, I'm glad we met.

Ibis: And I'm glad you survived, although I know it wasn't easy.

Callum: The credit goes to Lujanne and her magic.

Callum pulls out a necklace and takes his human form for a moment.

Ibis: Well, yes, Lujanne, I could have guessed.

Callum: The most important thing is that we found each other.

Ibis: Yes that's right, and now you have to leave.

Callum: What ?

Ibis: A big army is coming here, it's not safe here, take the dragon prince and hide, survive.

After that Ibis flies away.

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