Rozdział 3

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If anyone has seen the first version of this chapter then my sincerest apologies. 


Lujanne: Callum, wake up.

Callum: Not five more minutes.

Ezran: Callum get up !

Callum: I don't want to yet, sword fighting can wait.

Elis: You leave us no choice.

Elis and Ezran walk up and with a vigorous motion pull Callum off the bed along with the blanket and pillow.

Callum: Au my head.

Callum picks himself up from the floor, his vision still unclear, so he rubs his eyes.

Lujanne: Do you remember what happened ?

Callum: I just remember that I had the strangest dream....

Callum looks at his hands, instead of five fingers he now has four.

Elis: Yeah...It wasn't a dream.

Callum walks over to the Mirror and looks into it.

Callum: Is it really me ?

Callum sees that his hands are now half the shade of the sky during a storm. He looks at his feet and notices that he still has five toes, but that his feet are the same shade as his hands. He lifts his leg and sees that his whole legs look similar to his hands. He looks at his face, on it nothing has changed, but he sees a single strand of Periwinkle Blue in his hair. His ears look like before only they are terminated like Rayla's. But what catches most attention are the not-too-large horns that stand off the sides of his head.

Ezran: Yes Callum, you look good as ?

Ezran scratched his head.

Lujanne: Your brother is a flenimu, a combination of elf and human.

Ezran: But mom was human.

Lujanne: Yes, but you can see Callum's father was a sky elf.

Ezran: Wow that's amazing !

Callum continues to look in the mirror, carefully touching his ears and horns. Rayla enters holding Zym in her arms.

Rayla: Hi everyone this stupid man has finally woken up, because we have to....

Rayla stops and looks at Callum. Zym jumps off her hands and flies to Callum to lick him on the face.

Rayla: Callum are you flenimu ?

Callum: Well it looks like it.

Callum smiled at Rayla and with reciprocation.

Ezran: Callum we have to tell you something.

Ezran suddenly became very sad.

Callum: What happened ?

Ezran: Soren and Claudia followed us all the way here.

Rayla: They wanted to kidnap the Dragon Prince !

Elis: They also wanted to kill Rayla.

Callum from that until he sat down on the bed.

Callum: That's not possible, we've known each other since we were kids.

Ezran lowered his head.

Callum: I will talk to them.

Lujanne: You can't, because I cast a spell on them, they can't see the place anymore. You have to go now, I'll prepare Fifi, who will take you as far as she can, and a few trinkets to help you.

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