Rozdział 2

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Rayla: You have trained well all day, has he learned to fly yet ?

Ezran: Not yet, Rayla I'm doing what I can.

Rayla: Anyway tomorrow we leave, danger is near and I know it, we have to leave from here.

Ezran: Well, then we need to rest.

Rayla: No, I'm going on patrol, one more circle won't hurt.

Callum inadvertently hits Rayla in his reverie, she gets up in a fighting stance and walks away, Callum, on the other hand, goes on and lies down on the ground next to Ezran.

Ezran: Tough day ?

Callum thought about whether to tell Ezran that Lujanne knows something about their mother and, most likely, himself, and the fact that they are meeting before midnight in the weave, but decided not to tell him.

Callum: You could say that.

Ezran: At our place there is also a lot of waving and jumping, but no flying....

Callum stopped listening to Ezran only to delve into his own thoughts.

What does Lujanne want to tell me ? Does it have something to do with my mother ? Or does it have to do with me ?

From an excess of thoughts Callum's head began to hurt, he got up and went for a walk, there was still a lot of time left until midnight. 

Callum was already there, waiting for Lujanne, the moonlight was falling on the lake, making it very bright all around. Suddenly Fifi landed and Lujanne descended from her.

Callum: Now will you tell me how you know my mother ?

Lujanne laughed warmly at Callum.

Lujanne: I will tell you even more.

She walked to the edge of the pond.

Lujanne: As you know once Xadia was one country, but then people discovered cruelty, black magic. The then dragon king ordered them to abandon these practices, but they refused blinded by greed. A war followed, which we almost lost, but thanks to the help of Flenim we managed, I have won. As a reward, for the sacrifice they made they were allowed to stay in Xadia.

Callum: What do they look like ?

Lujanne: Well, basically like humans, except that they have like us four toes, their ears are pointed rather than round, in some places they have the same skin tone as the elf parent, it happens that some also have horns. But the best part is that they are connected to the original source.

Callum: Why have I never heard of them ?

Lujanne: The answer is very simple and sad at the same time. For a flenimu to be born, one parent must be an elf and the other human, or both parents are flenimu. If, on the other hand, a flenimu bonds with an elf, there is a very slim chance that a flenimu will be born, usually an elf is born. After the division of Xadia, unions between humans and elves were forbidden and severely punished by the dragon king himself. That's why there are so few of them left.

Callum: Okay, but what does this have to do with me ?

Lujanne: We are just getting to the part of the story that concerns you Callum.

Lujanne turned to Callum.

Lujanne: Fifteen years ago a woman came to me introduced herself as Sarai.

Callum: That was my mother !

Lujanne: She was ?

Callum: She...She is dead.

Lujanne: I am very sorry.

Callum: Why did she come here ?

Lujanne: She had a baby in her arms, she asked me to put an illusion on him.

Callum: Wait a minute that baby was me right ?

Lujanne nodded her head.

Callum: That means I'm not a human being, I'm...Can this illusion be removed ?

Lujanne: It's a very powerful spell, it's been a few days since the full moon, but I think it might be possible to take it off. Are you sure you want to do it ? There will be no turning back.

Callum: I want to know the truth ! We have always been told to learn sword fighting, horseback riding, the art of war.

Lujanne: And you pursued your goal ?

Callum: What ? No, I failed every time, because I knew it wasn't for me, and now I want to know the truth, why it was so. I want to know who I really am.

Lujanne took a moment to think about it.

Lujanne: Okay, are you ready ?

Callum: Yes I am.

Lujanne: You will feel a slight itch.

Lujanne raised her hand and drew a rune.

Lujanne: Akcan Demu Ilmo

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Lujanne: Akcan Demu Ilmo.

Callum's body began to glow, Callum himself felt a very strange energy flow through his body. He then lost consciousness from the excess of this energy. 

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