This isn't love....right?

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Author's note: I'm so sorry This took so long guys I just haven't had time, a lot of stuff has been going on plus school. But I have figured everything out and finally finished this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy! :D

I woke up due to loud male voices, I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but I couldn't.

"Ughh, What's going on??" I groaned while rubbing my eyes.

I slowly got up, rubbing my neck while yawning. I shuffled over to the door and made my way out.

"Hey, What's wrong?" I said, my voice groggy and my eyes squinted as they were trying to adjust to the bright light.

"Their gone.." this earned him a slap on the arm from Tallahassee.

"Wait what? What do you mean their gone??" I was now more awake and getting irritated.

"It's nothing to worry about RIGHT Columbus??" Tal stared at col

"They left and they took the car..again, but we know where their going so-" Tal now interrupted him

"So what? It doesn't matter there's more cars here and-"

"So we need to find them!" I could tell Col was getting frustrated which wasn't normal for him, he's always calm.

"*Sigh* they've tricked us 3 times now and stole from us..Col, Tal is right it doesn't matter and we can't go risking our lives for them if they don't give a fuck about us"


"No Col! Look, I get it..your in love, but you can't get attached! It's a zombie apocalypse no matter how skilled any of us are something is bound to happen"

He stayed quiet probably because he didn't think I knew about his crush and also because he doesn't want to face reality

"It's not just the zombies we have to be cautious around it's the people too now. This isn't some dream where your life is perfect"

"I know I know it's just...*Sigh* I'm going after them, I have to"

"You ever read that book 'she's just not that into you' ? You can't make yourself too available!"

"I don't care I want to be with her!" Col started angrily walking away

I decided to give up I know we won't be able to convince him.

Tal started walking away towards the cars so I followed.

I tossed our bags of guns in the back seat then leaned on the hood of the car.

Tal had gathered some stuff then was saying goodbye to Col. Col had found a motor cycle so he decided to take it.

"I'm not good at farewells so uh..that'll do kid"

"That was the worst goodbye I've ever heard..and you stole that from a movie" Col responded

I chuckled as Tal hit Col's back.

"Tell the ladies I say hey"

"Y'know their pictures were in someone's wallet too" Col said while straping a helmet on

Tal looked at him a little shocked and I stared at him in disbelief.

'That is fucked up Columbus' I thought to myself.

Tal threw his stuff in the back as I got in. Col was driving off but both me and Tal stared at him when he started to lose control.

Col crashed straight into a bush which made me chuckle and Tal smirked while shaking his head.

Tal got into the car and looked at me. I sighed while tilting my head down in defeat.

"Fuck it..let's go get Columbus's bitch"

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