~That Was Yesterday~

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I thought I knew you well
But all this time I could never tell
I let you get away
Haunts me every night and every day

The tears won't stop pouring down my eyes.

You were the only one
The only friend that I counted on
How could I watch you walk away
I'd give anything to have you here today

Everyone left hours ago so now it's only me and Eddie. He watches as a sob into my hands. He pities me.

But now I stand alone with my pride
And dream that you're still by my side
But that was yesterday

If Billy were here he would tell me to man up. If Billy were here everything would be different.

I had the world in my hands
But it's not the end of my world
It's just a slight change of plans

I hate that I am so weak. I wish that I could wake up and be strong.

That was yesterday
But today life goes on
No more hiding in yesterday

My whole life is falling apart once again, except this time I have a strong feeling that things won't work out.

'Cause yesterday's gone

I can't lose anyone else. I won't.

Love my love I gave it all
Thought I saw the light when I heard you call
Life that we both could share
Has deserted me left me in despair

I've always been afraid of death. Or to be more specific, the unknown. I hate not knowing what happens on the other side. I fear it.

But now I stand alone with my pride
Fighting back the tears I never let myself cry
But that was yesterday

I'm not afraid anymore. Not when it comes down to my life, or my family's.

Love was torn from my hands
But it's not the end of my world
It's just a little hard to understand
That was yesterday

I've stopped crying minutes ago. Eddie looks at me with the same pity as before.

But today life goes on
You won't find me in yesterday's world
Now yesterday's gone

I think I have a problem with looking into the past. That's why I'm trying to worry about the future.

Goodbye yesterday
Now it's over and done
Still I hope somewhere deep in your heart

If it ever comes down to me or my family, I know who I'm saving.

Yesterday will live on

Eddie removes the headphones from my ears. "Okay, I've had enough of this depressing atmosphere you're creating." He states and I scoff.

"What's even on this mixtape anyway?" He asks curiously as he looks on side A.

He gives me funny look. "This is all just Foreigner." He says incredulously.

I laugh silently to myself. "You think that's bad, you should look at side B."

He does.

"Well, shit." He states with a laugh. "Guess I don't need to ask what your favourite song is."

He laughs cutely while looking at side B where it says, That Was Yesterday by Foreigner - 24 hour loop.

His laugh is so contagious that the next thing I know, we're both giggling like children, on the floor of the shed.

"Okay, I've gotta ask?" He says, cutting off our laughter. "Why were you a jock? I mean, you don't seem like the jock type now that I'm meeting you."

"Yes because all jocks are mean and pick on the freaks." I say sarcastically with an eye roll.

Eddie groans. "Come on Wheeler, you know that's not what I meant."

"Fine, whatever." I give in as Eddie grabs a bag of half eaten popcorn that he heated earlier, and sits down in front of me. "Story time!" He shouts dramatically.

I shush him as I let out a quick laugh. "I wanted to go through high school without being disturbed. I was a freak and I knew it so I hid in plain sight." I tell him. "That's all there is to it."

He looks at me as if there's more I'm not telling him, and truthfully there is. I went for a hiding place but I stayed for Billy Hargrove.

"There's more." He says knowingly. He sees how uncomfortable I am and adds, "but you don't have to tell me."

I give him a small smile in thanks.

"Eddie?" I question.

He motions for me to say what's on my mind.

"There's a price on my head, worldwide." I say as it all processes in my head.

His playful smile drops as he puts down his bag of popcorn and moves closer to me. "I'm not gonna let you die." He reassures me. "You don't deserve that, no matter what crowd you use to hang out with." He says sincerely.

I look at him before I speak my next words. "It doesn't scare me." I whisper softly. "I used to be terrified of death but after everything I've been through...I feel as if I'm ready."


"Wait." I state firmly, cutting him off. "I'm not suicidal or anything. What I mean is that I'm ready to die for the people I care about."

He slowly nods in understanding. "Can I be honest with you?" He asks me.

"Well I wouldn't want you to to lie." I joke in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"I don't like when you say that." He tells me, ignoring my poor attempt at humour. "The thought of you dying makes me feel weird and at first I hated that because I was supposed to hate you, but now I like you. You're a good person Aaron. Im sorry for not seeing that earlier."

"Thank you." I say sincerely. "It means a lot."

We sit in silence for a while.

"So..." Eddie starts, breaking the silence. "What you wanna do?"

I sigh. "I don't know."

"That's cool." Eddie says. "Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool."

"Alright," I say as I face him. "Truth or dare?" I suggest. He nods his head eagerly.

I guess we're doing this.

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