~Cry for Help~

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I usually have Mike or Nancy to help me calm down from a panic attack but now I'm all alone.

I'm making myself vulnerable to the Flayer and I have no idea how to stop.

My vision blurs and I can no longer see out of the Flayers eyes. I have no idea what's going on in the outside world.

That thought only makes me panic worse.

Hours. I had to be panicking for at least two hours before I finally started to calm down.

Now that I'm thinking somewhat clearly, I look to the real world to try and take in my surroundings.

Eddie had since made it back to his spot and kept glancing at me every few minutes.

I decide to take a risk and try the tapping again.

I tap the floor four times quickly. Eddie immediately turns his head to me and waits for more.

I tap the floor once extremely fast.

Eddie looks like he's taking mental notes.

I tap once quickly, once slowly, and twice quickly again.

And then finally, I tap one short tap, two long taps, and one last short tap.

I see him write something down on his notepad from the corner of my eye.

He looks at it for a really long time before whispering to himself in confusion. "Help?" He says quietly.

Not quiet enough.

The Flayer turns my head towards Eddie.

Eddie Flinches back at the swiftness of my movements.

"What?" He asks me dumbly, tryna play it cool.

The Flayer nods it's head towards the notepad. "What is that?" It demands.

"Nothing." Eddie fails to say casually. "Just a song I've been writing." He continues with the fakest smile I've ever seen.

Luckily for us, the Mind Flayer is stupid.

The Flayer is about to return to staring at the floor when the sound of a car is heard in the distance. Eddie is up in an instant and looking out the window. The Flayer follows him.

"Shit!" He curses under his breathe. "It's Jason." He whispers. The Flayer immediately knows who that is, due to his lazy search through my memories.

Jason and Patrick are searching the house.

Wait a minute...how did I know who Patrick was? I question myself.

"Come on Aaron, help me out with this!" Eddie whisper shouts at me, gesturing to the boat. The Flayer obeys.

We get the boat into the water and are a decent ways away from shore, when a familiar voice shouts at us.

"Hey freaks!!" The Flayer looks at Jason and smirks. Jason notices and gets mad. "What did you do to Chrissy, Wheeler?!?"

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"How are you feeling Patrick?" It asks him tauntingly.

At first I'm confused by this, but then I know. I see the Flayer's thoughts with my own eyes. Patrick is Vecna's next victim.

I start to panic and tap on the boat. Eddie tries to translate while paddling simultaneously. "P-A-T-R-I-C-K-I-S..." he trails off as Jason gets closer.

"N-E-X-T." He finishes. He tries to put it all together when he notices I'm done. "Patrickisnext...Patrickis, next...OH!" He exclaims as he finally gets it. "Patrick is next!"

Before there's time to do anything else, Patrick is pulled underwater. Eddie stands perfectly still as he stands beside me on the boat.

Patrick is suddenly lifted into the air which frightens Eddie and makes him tip the boat.

We both fall in.

I struggle to get back up to the surface.

Holy shit! I think to myself. This muther fucker can't swim!!

As if it too realized it's inability to swim, the Flayer gives me back most of the control.

I swim back up to the top and don't waste a second as I face Eddie.

"Eddie!!" I yell for him but he's too transfixed by the scene before him.

Patrick's bones are breaking in different directions.

"Eddie!!!" I try again, and this time he faces me. "Eddie, I need you to tell Steve that the Mind Flayer has me!! Can you do that??" He nods quickly.

"How-how are you talking to me right now?" He asks.

I let out a bitter laugh. "The dumbass can't swim." I tell him, making him grin. "It had to give me back some control in order to-" Im cut off by myself as my arm reaches up involuntarily to climb in the boat.

I feel myself slowly slipping back into my mind. "Ed-" my words suddenly stop flowing.

The Flayer is back in control and I am once again, defenceless.

"Don't worry," Eddie tells me as he rows us to shore. "I'm not one to turn my back on a cry for help." He says with a determined look on his face.

"You're forgetting one thing, Eddie." The Flayer tells him and I instinctively start to panic.

"I don't think I've forgotten anything...Flayer? Vecna? Gosh! I don't even know what to call you." Eddie exclaims in faux frustration.

"Are you sure about that?" The Flayer asks Eddie again. "Think of it this way, I haven't left Will. Not truly, and if I'm still inside of Will, just imagine how hard it would be to remove me from Aaron's body."

Eddie tries to ignore the Flayer but I see his shoulders tense. The Flayer sees it too and inwardly smirks.

"You'd have to kill him." It taunts Eddie.

"Shut up!" He snaps at it.

"What?" The Flayer shrugs innocently. "It's just the truth."

Eddie clenches his teeth. "I wonder how it would make you feel..." it ponders. "...to have to kill the man you've grown so fond for."

"You're wrong!" Eddie snaps. "I'm going to get him out of there and then I'm gonna let him kill you, you sick son of a bitch!" He yells, before jabbing a syringe into my shoulder.

Well played, I praise Eddie's thinking in my head. Well played.

I feel the Flayer give Eddie one last taunting smile before were both out cold.

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