Last Day

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As I walked out of the gym lobby, all sweaty from playing volleyball I looked for Ponyboy and Johnny. They where standing under the tree waiting for me to come and find them so we could walk home. I ran over hyperventilating because our coach made us run basically the whole practice because people wouldn't stop talking.

"Hey Ashton you ok?" Johnny asked concerned.

"Yeah no I'm good Johnny thanks for asking." I replied.

"You look terrible!" Pony said in a mocking voice.

The truth is me and pony used to be the bestest friends ever until I told him I didn't like him as a boyfriend.

"Thanks." I snapped

"Well to tell you pony you don't look to great either." Johnny replied defending me.

"Alright alright. I'm sorry Ash."

Only my good friends called me Ash and I didn't have many of those.

"Y'all want to go to a movie tonight?" I asked

"I would-"No!" Ponyboy said cutting Johnny off.

"Well gosh horseman, what's wrong with you?" I asked

"yeah" Johnny said wanting to know the same thing.

"Well one I don't want to because me and soda are doing stuff later. And because you haven't even met the gang."

"I know. I have to go and talk to Steve about letting me do so tomorrow." I replied to pony.

"Well I guess I should go get Steve from the DX now, bye Johnny bye pony" I said turning to walk away.

We were already walking to the lot but I didn't want to walk with Pony anymore.

"Bye" they both said in sync.

One my way to the DX Curly Shepherd stoped me.

"Where you going by your self you know some bad stuff could happen to ya don't you?"

He asked with a grin on his face from ear to ear. Me and Curly had a relationship before that nobody knew about. And I'm not talking just holding hands, it was more of a handsy experience for me. It didn't last very long maybe like a week, but it just so happened that was when Ponyboy asked me out. So of course I had to say no.

"Yeah I know Curly. Now what do you want?"

"I want you to come over to bucks place so we can finish what we started."

I inhaled really deep because I knew what he was talking about. You see me and Curly never did anything like that, it was just like 2 make out sessions.

As I exhaled I replied "and if I don't come later?"

"Well I might just so have to make you do what I want then. And I don't think you want that do you?"

At this point the DX was in sight, so I started walking faster then before not yet running though. Obviously Curly noticed so he started walking faster to.

"Hey! Where you going baby?" He said in a mocking voice.

"Away!" I replied screaming.

He tackled me and turned me around so we were face to face.

"Your not-" "Stay off or my little sister!" Steve said kicking Curly of me, as Curly was wincing in pain Steve helped me up.

"What you doing walking by your lonesome in the street?" He asked.

"I know I know. I was with Pony and Johnny and I wanted to come see you." "And either way it ain't your business." I snapped.

"It is my business look at my nose"- "its huge" I said cutting him off laughing, it hurt to laugh my head was pounding from just being tackled.

At this point we had arrived at the DX.

"Are you ok? He didn't touch you or pull a blade on you did he?" Steve asked sounding more concerned then he ever has before. "No I'm ok."

"Hey" a handsome voice called out, "is she ok?"

"Yeah Soda she's fine."

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