Oh shit

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"Ash, put the bat down." Darry said standing in the doorway. Soda was on the floor still. Like he couldn't breathe.

"Oh my god" I said crying, "what have I done? Am I going to go to jail?"

I was so scared, but somehow felt relieved that the people who hurt me got what they deserved.

"Wow Ash I didn't know you had that in you" pony remarked.

Steve had finally made his way upstairs, he seen me on the floor crying and ran to my side. He is the best brother you could've asked for.

"Now Ash this has gone to far." Steve said
"When the cops show up if they do cause they obviously don't care about us, it was self defense. He was trying to hurt you not soda. Do you understand?"

"But why lie? He did hurt me and you guys aren't going to do any thing about it with the police? That's not-"

The whole gang turned to me and it was all a blur because they all said many things at once. I guess they were mad I said that. But it's true, they aren't going to do anything about this. Curly is going to get away. That is if he is alive. And I'm going to be the one who has to pay if he is dead.

Soda got up and pushed Steve away from hugging me. And he started comforting me instead. I guess all the guys started catching on that me and Soda were a thing. They all looked stunned and mad at the same time.

"Listen Ash, I know you're very upset, I can't even come close to imagine what you've went through. But we will all get through this together just like always."

"Yeah sodas right" two but finally slid into the conversation. "But we have a lot to worry about right now. Dally is gone there is an almost dead curly on the floor, and I haven't had chocolate cake in about a day. So, I am having withdrawals."

Me Steve and soda all stood up. We knew we had to find dally before he did something more stupid than me.

As everyone was leaving I heard Darry call soda and Steve into the room

"Listen soda, I know you like her" (said by Darry)

"No stop I love her and you guys obviously don't care" soda poped

"Soda come on she's your best friends sister she's off limits"

"Yeah it'd be kinda weird seeing yall hang out and stuff. Like when I'm not there you know"

"Well I'm sorry you both feel that way but, I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend"

A/N hey guys so I know it's been like two years but should I finish the book?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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