- Chapter Six -

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Chapter Six: Vecna Visits __________________

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Chapter Six: Vecna Visits


Chapter Six: Vecna Visits

Harley really didn't expect he would be spending his break searching through the woods blindly with a bunch of freshmen, two people actually his age, his little sister, and someone he met less than a week ago, but here he is.

The woods are dark, and there's barely any light aside from the dull light from Dustin's flashlight. It goes out fairly quickly, and even after some shaking, it fails to come on.

"Dude, better equipment," Harley comments again, holding his sister close to him as she begins to whimper in fear slightly.

Harley shushes the young girl softly, hoping that this won't end up as a serious problem. After a few seconds, she gets quiet. She is perfectly still as she rests her head on Harley's shoulder. The
Blonde looks at her confused before seeing Eddie standing next to him, his hand rubbing up and down the kid's back.

"How the hell do you do that?" He asked softly when Eddie turned to face him. The brunette laughed.

"I'm good with kids," He says with a shrug. It's true, he's always been good with kids before he even started Hellfire.

He used to babysit Cj all the time when she was very young, even continuing to do babysitting after the two had left Hawkins.

"Um... just so you know," Harley started, his eyes finding the ground. "If you don't want to stay in your trailer after all this is over. You can always stay with us for a bit," There was a beat of silence before Harley turned to Eddie.

He looked. Confused? Disgusted? Something in between. He looked like Harley had just punched him or something.

"Why? My trailers perfectly fine. " He said, a small laugh lacing his words. "I don't wanna live with another dude. people might get the wrong idea,"

Harley's eyebrows furrowed together as he rethought over Eddie's words.

"What do you mean?" Harley asked, stopping in his tracks. Eddie stopped too, turning around to face Harley.

"What's not to get?" He asked, taking a small step closer to the other boy, "I'm not one of those kinds of people" He said gesturing off into the distance.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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