5. Acceptance

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Edit: I am currently not on this stage yet so I will have to use second hand resources of other people and self knowledge, do excuse me if I get anything wrong

The fine and divine test of nothing.

People always told me that sweet victory was everything but its not.

One day you'll be bored of it.

Always grow to want more.

The best of everything is to be neutral.
If you want the 'best'; go for it
If you want the 'average'; go for it
If you want the 'lowest'; go for it
Do what makes you happy.

Accept the fact that you will have different wants and sometimes those desires could be unattainable.

Dont push yourself over it just because you couldnt reach it.

It's okay.

Sometimes a little slap of reality will keep you on your toes.

Just stay alert and not let one downfall bring you down all the way.

You could achieve more than you could ever expect if you keep going.

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